The dwarfes encounter in Uldaman

Maybe it’s only me but I find this boss encounter to also be really difficult. When they jump on their flying boat you have to dodge the swirlies which isn’t hard but the problem is the ticking group dmg. It’s pretty high and all the while you have to constantly dodge the barrage. I read that you’re supposed to walk as a group so the swirlies don’t cover the whole ground but walking all the time and healing hefty ticking dmg at the same time is a pain. Anybody having similiar issues there?^^

I only did +11 tyrannical Uldaman, but didn’t have any problems with this boss as rshaman. We didn’t move in one stack as a group, and there was always some safe space.

Talondras, however, was much less pleasant - I had troubles with keeping people alive when boss targeted them with bleeding debuff and then used aoe.

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