The Enhancement Shaman tree talent ‘Elemental Blast’ is meant to replace Lava Burst and gain and additional charge but that does not happen currently

The Enhancement Shaman tree talent ‘Elemental Blast’ is meant to replace Lava Burst and gain and additional charge but that does not happen currently.


Yeah they used the previous beta build that did not have the enh changes and that was a known bug. Hopefully they fix it soon.

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yeah noticed that also , its a bug only having 1 stack of it.

That made me question my sanity and double check the tooltips - but yeah - right now it’s not replaced for some reason - being it latest build or not

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But you can have both Lava Burst and Elemental Blast on your bar at the same time. Still not 2 stacks of Elemental Blast but better than nothing while we wait for a fix

How long will this take to fix? Any opinions?

Well its a subscription based game with paid expansions paid cosmetics etc etc so i d expect from a serius company afew days. From the current state of blizzard wait till release which will introduce even more bugs. The beta was an unfixable mess for many classes last time i played… Expect the buggier expansion of WoW’s history


Until TWW officially releases… Until then we will be handicapped snice nobody cares…


If you dont want to use two keybindings for elemental blast and lava burst you can use this macro.

/castsequence reset=12 Elemental Blast, Lava Burst

Or wait for the reset, since on the 14th it gets fixed with the new patch.

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