Wonderous Winter Veil to all!
So, what it means to you?
Be an ‘Alien’ from another world, like an Orc, or sealed behind a Shield like a Nightborne, or anything else… whats this magical time of the year means to you, represents, or do you even beilve in Greatfather Winter?
As for Zymara, she finds this strange Azerothian custom fascinating, yet a she is a bit suspicius, there is something behind it, she can’t really grasp
But enjoys it nonetheless!
This Martok’s favorite festival! There’s cakes and cookies everywhere! Martok gets frequently called just for his baking skills! Gyrshka’s inn gets booked two months in advance just cos of all the awesome cake! Martok even dress up like granpa winter at times to entertain folks, even the mean warlocks.
“Some people say it be better to give than to receive,” Rush says while he opens a jar of cookies covered in blue, green, and red sprinkles. He eats them in entire handfulls without offering them to anybody else. “Yeah right,” he snorts while finishing the entire jar without sharing.
When Winter Veil arrives Moothilda travels to her birth place, where she according to tradition will thank The Earth Mother for the blessings in her life, and celebrate Great Father Winters walk over Azeroth as this also will mark the new beginnings and new blessings.
This is a tradition Moothilda is very fond of, but doesn’t hold it higher than any other traditions.
The new additions to Winter Veil with dressing as Greatfather Winter and give presents wasn’t recieved well by Moothilda at first.
But she has in time come to like the decorations and the food and even the fake Greatfather Winter who’s extreme joy and lovely greetings always put a smile on her whenever she enteres Orgrimmar in the season.
And every year someone always send both cookies and apple cider her way, something Moothilda also is very fond of
It is the single worst time of the year for Mahli’ficia.
People throws sudden greetings and messages everywhere like a goblin bombardier lobs grenades, and cover up otherwise perfectly functional libraries with atrocious, brightly colored and sparkly decorations. And when you include magic, you will suddenly receive instant messages in your head or find your scrying orb full of senseless babble!
When Mahli’ficia joined the scholars under Umbric she envisioned a cadre of serious researchers, but even they seem to fall prey to the seasonal curse as she has found winter veil decorations blighting the dark recesses of the void itself.
Not even the black hearts of the demons she’s summoned are completely safe against the perfidious influence of the winter veil spirit!
He doesn’t care, its a Tauren, Human and Dwarven thing, however he has two infant children, just hitting 3, so they both love the trappings and celebratory aspect, and presents, so he does it more for -them- to be honest. He does however give gifts to grown ups or organisations if he esteems them, but more practical and adult ones than a ‘wooden Kodo with moving legs!’ He’s pretty much like me, really…I get a sense of happiness from it because other people are so happy at that time, even if it is enforced and inculcated into our calendar by a cult that murdered a lot of people and enforced illiteracy and dependence upon said cult for education and literary purposes. Oh, and stole their pagan festivals…like…uh, Christmas…
I’m totally not the Grinch, Honestly! I am rather ecstatic with humanity at the moment!
But yeah, Brigante is like “Its for the Kids, and they like it, so, You know, that’s fine!”
He actually hates getting gifts. It’s just more stuff to carry around and he prefers to travel lightly.
He did get gifts for three people this year though.