The First Ones

We recently learned that the true gods, if you will, of the Warcraft cosmos are the mysterious “First Ones”, who created the Titan Pantheon and the Shadowlands’ equivalent Pantheon. Assuming that Elune is one of the First Ones, so basically, the strongest being in Warcraft (among the other First Ones, of course), what is that dragon-like creature with the colors of the Void she is fighting in her depiction seen in the dungeon Cathedral of Eternal Night? What could be so powerful to challenge Elune herself?
Could it be that what the Chronicle says (which we already know is not entirely true or objective) about the beginning of the universe (“in the beginning there was Light and there was Void”) is partially true, and that all was created not by the clash of the Light and Void we know of, but by the clash of two main factions, the dark First Ones and the light First Ones?
Of course, we must take into consideration that Elune has two sides, a Light side and a Dark side (so perhaps it was Elune all the time fighting her own self, or a bunch of First Ones with both good and evil sides constantly fighting themselves?).
The dragon depicted in the Tomb of Sargeras dungeon mural could actually be one of the big bad Void Lords we’ve been told of in the Chronicle. All this is mind-blowing, feel free to share your speculation thoughts, and don’t forget the tinfoil hats!

Shouldn’t this be here?

I think in Legion there was a quest where we were told that Elunes powers depleted. That she almost out of energy…

There was Elune? I think the only place were Elune was shown, was Ulduar raid. There was a model of an Night Elf with Malorne made from stars.

Also I think that those Lite tentacles that took Ysera soul in Legion was Elune.

The same Lite tentacles are shown in Holy realm on the realm map:

I thought that was just supposed to be a ‘proto night elf’? There were similar models of Trolls and Tauren there too.
I doubt those will get any relevant lore harkening back to creation itself.

That’s an interresting train of thought.

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I think the “First Ones” are simply something perhaps similar to what the “Titans” were and in time perhaps will become questgivers or loot-pinatas (see Sargeras). How ever long it may take.

That’s really all I see here.

I mean possible? But I don’t think so.


Where was it said the first ones created the titans?

When Old Gods started dropping, Blizzard introduced “Bigger Old Gods” in the form of the Void Lords to keep exploiting the same element.

Is it any wonder that when the Titan mythos draws to a close, Blizzard introduces “Bigger Titans”?

I cannot bring myself to care.


Ion said that exclusively in one of the Shadowlands interviews, it is not yet in game.

When you exhaust mundane plots by systematically removing controversial disparities, and rather lean on the “awe” and shock value of the cheapest high fantasy plots, yeah, this ends up with the story turning into some Dragon Ball series where super saiyan X ends up needing to battle a god to make it feel significant.

What I don’t know, is how Blizzard has yet not figured out that people are ten times more invested in fighting the likes of Sylvanas, Garrosh, or Jaina, than they are when fighting Sargeras.
The elements are there, but Blizzard keeps on feeling like reinventing afterlife to keep people hooked.


Some people prefer to focus more on the characters, their psychology and personality, the relationship between them, and their development. A prespective I respect. There are others, though, like me, who enjoy exploring the mythology/cosmology of a fantasy universe, because it causes awe and gives a vibe of mystery.
In real life, there are some who don’t care too much about uncovering the truth (with any meaning the word might have) and prefer to live and think simply, without overthinking, and there are those who thirst for knowledge and tend to do their “research”.
Blizzard has done a great job on both characters and cosmology, although many characters are irrelevant to me (Baine, Nathanos, TALANJI). Your view doesn’t represent everyone’s. Let’s take an example from Lord of the Rings: I would personally be more interested in getting to know where the amazing and benevolent magic of the Elves, Dwarves, and the 5 Wizards stems from, rather than getting to know what the Hobbits liked doing in the Shire, what their favorite color is, etc. Surely, there are amazing characters, such as Garrosh, but it isn’t all about them when you have the bigger picture. When you have the option to see things in a universal prespective, you should pick it, and only because of awe.

I saw the interview with bellular, It only seemed like he said it in jest.

Honestly I would hate if the titans lore was changed into this. I like the whole process of world souls etc.

As for power levels I’m not sure it’s going to be as concrete as you think, meaning that just because light and void came first means they are the strongest.

As we’ve already seen fel remains the most chaotic and destructive force. Sargeras could still end up being the strongest, besides a hypothetical Azeroth or the void infused Titan he was trying to stop.

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