The Fishin´ Dice Game- Rules

My fellow Azeroth inhabitants,
Have you ever been to a tavern with nothing to do? Nobody talks about their brooding dark story? Drinking virtual liquor is not as satisfying as the real deal? The local authorities have banned all types of gambling?
Worry not, for we bring you an exciting dice game coming out of the freezing lands of Dun Morogh to kill some time!

The Fishin´ Dice Game

  • Number of players: 2-??(8 being the biggest ammount of players that ever played it)

  • Age: Legal age to drink


  • Each player receives the same ammount of alcoholic drinks, preferrably Dwarven ones. A good ammount is five per person, though if there is not a lot of people playing (four or less). Do not drink them just yet! I know you want to, but you should not!

  • One player of the group will be chosen as “The guy with the Fish”. He needs to have a fish equipped in his off-hand. The bigger, the better. When there is enough players, it is good to keep the Guy with the Fish out of the game so that he keeps the score, but that will be your choice.

  • The players take then a seat around a table, or form a circle.

  • The round proceeds as follows:

  1. Every player that plays rolls a twenty-sided dice (/roll 20 in chat).

  2. The player with the highest number wins the round and gets to drink one of his drinks. He also gets a point.

  3. The player with the lowest number loses the round and gets slapped in the face with the Fish held by The guy with the Fish. The guy with the Fish should be creative in describing the slap. Trust me, it will get harder to try to write another variant of “I slap %t with the Fish”.

  4. If any players roll the same number, they roll a dice again between them. The winner of this roll however gets as many drinks(and points) as there were players rolling with him. The loser on the other hand gets slapped that ammount of times. If another tie occurs, roll again, but increase the stakes by one.

  5. If anyone has gotten five points by now, he wins the game. The other players may reward him with all of their remaining liquor, or he gets a gift from “The guy with the Fish”.

Description of a game
Players A,B,C,D,E and F are playing. F is “The guy with the Fish”.
B rolls the highest number and wins a drink and a point.
E rolls the lowest and gets slapped with the fish.
A,C and D roll the same number. They roll again.
A and C rolled the hisghest and are tied. D gets slapped three times, because there were three players rolling.
A and C roll again. C has the highest number and gets four drinks and points. A gets slapped four times.
The round ends and a new one begins…

The Fish you are using to play is canonically the fish you see in the Azshara trailer. Magnificent…

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