The flaming in mytic plus has to stop

Dear readers,
Today i was in a mytic plus, the run didd not go well. I made a mistake and that couses us to wipe. In my opinion miskaes can happen and is only human, the key faild becaouse of it and that is sad, but also part of the game.

What happens after the wipe was that i was called by a payer with all kinds of desises. As and example i could die to cancer. I have a pretty tic skin and i can handel some stuf at the end this is a game and m+ is an evoirment wich can bring out the worse out of poeple. I have famalie members who died to cancer and i’m sure that i’m not allone here. Reciving death treats beeing called with that horible sicness cancer is for me a step or two to far.

In my opnion if a key goes wrong you can say someting like to bad or what ever but calling players out like that should be punised serverly. I’m to afraid to write this under mine main’s name also i cant name the player who didd this to me. I didd make a report top blizard and i hope that sometng is happen. What i also hope somehow is that we can make a stand as comunitie about flaming in m+ . At the end i hope that blizard is going to remove the player from the game and if that is not happen’s i may even considering legeal accions because it also involves a death treath.

What i wanna know is how blizard is going to punnis this kind of behavior?


I hope you reported those posts. It’s against the rules to behave like that.


I did, but i also hope someting is happen with that. I can understand that in a m+ eviorment someting ting can be heated up but a big majority of the playerbase are aduld players, no teenages. In my opnion if a player is going that far than i realy hope that blizard is going to take some hard accion on that. We should make a stand as communitie against those kinds of behavior.

do what most people do nowadays .

disable the in game chats.

they are usless anyway most of time.


I read this whole thread with a lisp.


You flame or insult someone in a group?
Report, plain and simple.

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You are right about the fact that that fixes the problem, because you can indeed not read anymore what ohter players are writing to you. It is also a los, because you trun of a game future and let a tocix player win. That way those players wont disapear. It is mine opinion that we should take a stand against yelling and flaming at total strangers, most peole wont do that in real life, but in a game as word of warcraft seems anyting posibol… Not with me, i’m for taking a stand and hope those players are getting baned, i will report them and keep reporting them. And if things are realy go to far i make a forum post like this in the hope that at some pont we wont take it anymore as comunitie

Dear Poster:

Report that guy. Nothing better than a perma ban.

And yes. There are salty people with no manners once in a while. But I will comment on the title “the flaming in mythic plus has to stop”.

Simply because I am certain that this run is not your first and only run. You had many, many more M+ runs that did not end with someone issuing death threats. So 99% of the time your M+ runs go well. Timed or not.

By reporting his sorry as you already “stoped the flaming” in that run. So you acheived your goals. Because that is what the report tool is for.


A couple of weeks back, when I was making the argument that M+ was designed to give players a horrible experience, the people on here were trying to gaslight me, talking about how I should just make friends and do dungeons with them.

I disagree.

Don't hate the player(s), hate the game.

The quote-unquote hate that you receive is a product of the system, so why punish the players for it.

You did what?!: report them?

This idea that someone can have this much influence over me, I can’t even fathom, would never happen.

I did take a stand against it, its called not pugging. There’s so many communities for raid and m+ out there where behaviour like that is not allowed. Do m+ with those instead.


Yeah, I only do it with friends at this point. Not only is it a smoother experience but if things go wrong they’re brushed off quickly without dwelling on it or treating it as some horrific crime.

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I do some with friends/guildies but sometimes we take pugs too. Or some of the time I pug alone if it’s weeklies.

I do not find I have to hide chat, most people are not raging monsters. It can happen ofc. I had a tank ask to add me and we did a few more together and then he turned into one of those raving insulting loons and I just didn’t do any more with him and removed him from my bnet.


This is the argument you’re not going to win with the terminally online M+ addicts.

Cumulative actions which ends on permanent closure of the account if they really continue use those words what you described. That is all they can and should do for it, nobody is going to get maximum penalties for doing first mistake in their lives either. They are already doing all they can for it. And somewhat fairly way if we dont discuss the report system itself. And account closures create this situation where new account is made and another expansion is purchased which helps the game run in big picture of things.

your account is worth much more then toxic players wining . unless you can ensure that you never answer them and by this risking getting banned when they fake report you .

its just not worth it.

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I’m not defending this behaviour in any means. But unfortunately, I think it is better to accept that it will never go away, no matter how much people complain about it, no matter how many “social contracts” go out, and no matter how many bans Blizzard gives.

It comes down to one factor. Personal Expectation.

How you expect to be spoken to, compared to how another person expects to be able to behave can be 2 different things.

You cannot expect that a random stranger who you have never met has the same level of maturity, or same level of civilised behaviour as yourself. Everyone has access to the internet in our free world, and that means you may end up with someone who is less restrained when it comes to anger management, or doesn’t possess the same level of Emotional Intelligence as yourself. They may also have had an upbringing where they were taught (directly or indirectly) to last out and show less patience with underperformance (in their eyes).

How you expect an online game to be played, compared to how another person expects an online game to be played. This player may be looking for a much more streamline experience at this level of play. Maybe a “wipe” was unacceptable in their eyes.

You often see threads about “I was kicked from Time Walking, they all ran ahead of me and I couldn’t keep up”. Well that’s because the other players have an expectation of a certain skill level.

Is that right or wrong? Only the person who is behind the keyboard can decide that.

Once again, if they decide they don’t want to help new or less skill players, then they shouldn’t be forced to do so.

Again, I’m not defending this bad behaviour, I’m just trying to explain to you why it might be triggered.

Do you think that other person, knows or even cares about your past experience? No, they just wanted to flame you for underperforming in their eyes. Were they right to do so? In my eyes no, but in theirs they felt they were allowed to.

Yes, report them and do what you need to do. But that action, nor writing about it on the forums is going to change the behaviour of millions of human beings.


Easy answer because u as an individual are responsible for your own actions, so Flaming someone or send some death treats is your own actions not the game. So yes its U.

Let’s stress-test this theory.

You’re the newly elected president of the world; before you were elected, Asian people were discriminated against, it was systemic (it wasn’t against the law), and as a result, most of them lived below the poverty line.

So they started to steal, consequently, prisons were filled with mostly asians.

So as the newly elected president of the world, I ask you: are they responsible for their actions?

Surely the answer can’t be that Asians have a propensity to steal, can it?

So if the system in this case m+ is bad, wich is in mine opnion true than you can complane towards the maker of that system Blizard. In mine opinion you cant vent towards ohter players and expect them to deal with the frusttrations somone may have. At the end of the road everyone that does mytic plus has to deal with that. The diferends is that most players are not venting with cancer and treating . So yea the system can be a cause of frustartion that still wont give you a right to vent that

It’s totally fine to be upset by someone holding you back in a m+ key, and you can voice that without insults.