Dear readers,
Today i was in a mytic plus, the run didd not go well. I made a mistake and that couses us to wipe. In my opinion miskaes can happen and is only human, the key faild becaouse of it and that is sad, but also part of the game.
What happens after the wipe was that i was called by a payer with all kinds of desises. As and example i could die to cancer. I have a pretty tic skin and i can handel some stuf at the end this is a game and m+ is an evoirment wich can bring out the worse out of poeple. I have famalie members who died to cancer and i’m sure that i’m not allone here. Reciving death treats beeing called with that horible sicness cancer is for me a step or two to far.
In my opnion if a key goes wrong you can say someting like to bad or what ever but calling players out like that should be punised serverly. I’m to afraid to write this under mine main’s name also i cant name the player who didd this to me. I didd make a report top blizard and i hope that sometng is happen. What i also hope somehow is that we can make a stand as comunitie about flaming in m+ . At the end i hope that blizard is going to remove the player from the game and if that is not happen’s i may even considering legeal accions because it also involves a death treath.
What i wanna know is how blizard is going to punnis this kind of behavior?