Hello everyone,
The Floppy Horde is recruiting players of all levels and classes.
NOTE !! We are a starting guild so very few members yet!!
Looking for a no pressure casual guild that wants to do the occasional raid once we hit 60? Look no further.
We are currently recruiting every class and every level since most of us are between levels 10-20.
I used to be raidleader for Onyxia Years ago so do have some experience with it.
What do we expect?
Not much, yet there are some things.
- Don’t be toxic !! This is a big one
- Don’t get salty over a wipe. (wipes are part of raiding imho)
- We would like you to be 60 in a month or 3-4.
I am also an as of yet very small streamer so we do have a discord available for voice communication.
Benefits of streaming guild leader : if and when we start raiding you will be able to follow the raid even if you are not in it yourself.
Like i said we curently accept every class, however we do seem to have a healthy amount of mages.
Want to join this no pressure casual guild to do some fun raids once we hit 60?
Leave a message here or /w me ingame Speechless
P.S. Toxicity will be met with the bann hammer.