The Game Director doesn't even play WoW?

You can not be serious ? right that has to be a troll .

" A top Activision Blizzard executive accused of enabling sexual misconduct is leaving the company amid employee protests.

J. Allen Brack — who heads the Blizzard division that’s responsible for “World of Warcraft” and “Overwatch” — is leaving the company immediately to “pursue new opportunities,” Activision Blizzard said Tuesday.

Brack was singled out by name in a lawsuit that the state of California filed against Blizzard last month, accusing the company of fostering a “frat bro” culture full of sexual harassment, rape jokes and groping that even drove one female employee to suicide.

Brack, who had been at Blizzard for 15 years, was aware of sexual misconduct and even helped enable it, according to the California suit."

While sexual harassment should always be opposed especially in the workplace, I feel that many of the allegations in the lawsuit simply refer to “locker room talk” between guys goofing around with each other and making inappropriate jokes. I’m good at reading people, and J. Allen Brack comes across to me as a noble man who would take action if he saw anyone being threatened. I have not seen any allegations that J. Allen Brack himself was harassing or groping anyone. Keep in mind that J. Allen Brack is a married man.

In an open letter to the Star Wars Galaxies community in 2004, Brack stated that he would soon be “getting married in a Star Wars themed wedding”.

I would suggest you read on what some of the victims have said about the abuse they themselves received.

I would hope then you would be equally good at ‘reading the room’. I don’t think your post is appropriate.


Iunno. He seems like a very insightful and wise man. Should probably apply for the job as head of HR at Blizzard :thinking:


What does that have to do with anything ?

Same question as above being married means nothing .

I repeat this from earlier

This is so wrong of you

it should not happen in the first place …


I love how you upvote the OP using your own alts to do it shows the type of person you are .

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well thats cringe

Even he doesn’t want to play this.

It’s concerning Mike is openly doing paid boost runs in the current raid with his guild.

Jen’s background is about meeting deadlines and bringing a product to market that actually meets expectations and a bit beyond.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she has been the driving force behind pulling the ripcord and bringing in the streamlined content which should have been in at 9.0

I spent around 30 years working in the catering industry in one form or another and can categorically state that your perception here is 100% wrong.

All decent chefs sample their own food as it is the only way to be sure that the food you are putting out is of the required standard.


Think you may be a tad confused here - Ion is the main dev yes, but he does not promote boosting - in fact he hasnt even played for a few weeks now. I think you are referring to Mike Ybarra who is the co-leader along with Jen whatshername - boosting is a rather contentious subject indeed, but if he’s doing it for free or in-game gold then there nowt Blizz can or will do about it.

Edit - sorry if i tagged you in this post, Kretias - no offence intended

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Its not. Hes part of a raiding guild. Its not against the ToS. You may not like it and that is your right and may also get a lot of support from the anti boost community but thats about it really. Boosts wouldnt go away regardless as its impossible to bann it entirely effectively.

Same goes for Ybarra. Ion is the only one that actually defended it while not playing the game that much while sitting in his BiS covenant during that time and the area he took part in as a player hes utter trash at (which also made his claim “frankly thats a skill issue”, while ultimately correct in that context, absolutely ironic given his own performance)

i mean - you are talking about person who said in interview that problems with m+ is basiscly "git gud issue - person who didnt do 2 of 8 dungeons even on +2 at that time.

also can you blame him ? with how bad game is atm under his supervision. its natural that he too swapped to FF14 :slight_smile:

Or he could be busy you know making raid designs for 9.2 or playing another char so he does not have to put up with abuse from the player base.

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I’d rather our game directors play their own games.

Or have they realized if they played their own game and maintained an alt (yes, THAT alt), they don’t have time to direct their own game anymore? And get burnt out almost instantly?

Seems to me our sultan found more fun creating a spreadsheet, playing with the numbers there, completely forgetting the commoner’s lives.

There are jobs you can do just that, playing around with spreadsheets and numbers, but it’s easier to manipulate those “numbers” when they’re naive players, some that even white knight for you.

Do you know the difference between words “eat” and “sample”? And then maybe you will get what I meant.

The guy was probably facing daily harassment because of the state of the game, he’s either abandoned his shaman or rolled to another character on another account to stay better hidden.

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I used the term sample because chefs eat a small spoonful of the dish in order to ensure that the quality of the food they are putting out is of an acceptable standard.

Many people who work in the food industry will eat the food they produce all of the time.

For example Chefs do have to eat meals themselves you know and many of them will eat a meal at work which they produced themselves as it is a perk within the industry.

Most food outlets give their staff a free meal when they have worked a shift.

Much of the food industry gives their workers various perks in order to try and retain staff which usually involves the product that has been made.

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I guess it depends on where they are working, on her manufactury almost no one eats that and they declined the perks for a little extra money.

He was talking about PvP not M+. However yes, it was a piss poor comment.

For the last time, FF14 has ~3 mil players atm, people who are quitting WoW are not migrating to that game in the amounts you believe them to be.

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