The game is dead?

Within 5 minutes, there’s no SS queue as a healer?


45m queue as dps, 3 min queue in 3s on 2k mmr.

Yes, game is giga dead.


I think people are at a thing called work

Regardless yes the game is dead because the game is bad.


look at the most i just wrote. the game currently is more dead than S4 Shadowlands which is widely considered the lowest participated pvp season in the history of wow…I guess having solo que doesn’t compensate for the bloated gameplay that’s achieve from giving every spec multi CC, mobility, defensive and utility options…


Well looking at this perspective, getting home from work and sitting down to play the game and experiencing 5 min queues, that’s not normal after 17:00 UCT+2


Hmmm I think somebody predicted that this would happen before the season even went live. I wonder who said it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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who said it boyo?!

Time to let it go :sob:.
Wasted to much time sitting in a queue instead of actually playing.

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At a surprise to nobody…me!

Hardstuck at 2050cr - i lose the motivation to play tbh.

I just dont want to commit even more time into 3s. I have a stable team, which was hard to find in the first place. I play 3 sessions each week around 3h for ~35 games each session. No way on earth i will commit even more time to practice to a level where i would get into glad range this season.

In all general forum threads im the first one against giving out rated rewards for free but even i dont see how the current state will motivate someone to push for glad.

Im ok with welfare glads like SL s2 or bfa s4. Getting them was hard enough for me. Its just absolutely unfun to play atm. And i see the same people for weeks now. They are all hardstuck.

As a healer i wont touch SS.


Hpals and Discs finaly killed the game, and did tramendous damage to blizzard profit… No brutosaur sale woud cover that damage.

People warned them this gonna happen, you cannot have game with alot of mods which is designed to be operated with 7 healer as driving force, and make only 2 healers viable to play.

Took a break sometime ago and still have no urge to play again. I guess because “playing” this game now boils down to waiting in queue for 30+mins and then actually playing for 10mins

Thats what I also noticed, from 2,1mmr onwards healer ques are 4 min + and usually its a lobby with some fresh dps who win streaked 1-2 lobby and is about to go 0:6 aka 3:3 for the healer aka mmr loss xD its so bad atm

why play heal in this enviroment if we dont even get instant games anymore

And it feels like you play against the same teams every 4 games or so. Which shouldnt happen at that rating lol

Well 2s is still worse as their you actually play against the same 3 teams over and over with gurantee

wasnt it estimated to have made like 30-40 million € as 5% of the playerbase bought it or some Bs xD

Yeah hard to think why/how it’s died haha,
Queueing in 3s coming up against multi R1 glads at 1800~ MMR isn’t fun, so if your friends aren’t online you have to join solo shuffle queues which are around 10-40 minutes long for a 10 minutes worth of actual gameplay.

The game is so toxic for new players which is the most important part of keeping a game alive, it’s impossible to bring in and attract new players when all they see in the group finder is “lf healer 3k xp req” the game is on a downward spiral and I don’t see how it’s ever going to pick back up, shi*e game.