The Game Is Getting Boring

There is so much potentiel but blizzards keeps removing stuff that makes the game cool and fun to play, why make unnesecary changes, give us faster XP for when leveling 0-60, focus on making pvp system better, stop messing with fun things in dragon flight…
No one should waste money on pre ordering dragonflight as it looks right now… Better save them and wait and see if the game is worth your money. Or else you gonna have a bad time.

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Save ur money incase DF Goes wrong. to move to what game precisely?

FFXIV and WoW are ur 2 options realistically… and if u play for M+ Pushing / Raiding. FFXIV will be a dissapointment realistically, Progression focused players are the most negative crowd among that game.

FFXIV Does story Realy well, offers good solo gameplay and overall does ALOT of casual features such as Housing etc etc really well, but if this was something u were considering ur already gone realistically.

Sure lots wont preorder DF. but lets not pretend they wont buy it on launch day realistically.

as it looks right now?

No borrowed power Systems. No Enforced Daily Grinds, no arbeity content that Forces u to engage with bad content.

I’d pay £200 for that opportunity alone at this point.

im all for critizing blizzard… but DF looks ironically Good right now, its if they last second Mess up it with some introduction on the way towards launch.

No Enforced Daily Grinds, no arbeity content that Forces u to engage with bad content.
Are you Sure ??

well if u’d like to list one u can.

but No pathfinder, No borrowed power systems, will single handerly diminish the requirements to doing Rep grinds, and Open world content like Torghast wont simply exist.

Dragonflying will require some open world use I.E flying around looking for the stuff i nthe sky to collect. but that’ll be nothing to do with Raid / M+ Enviorments.

blizzard had stated they’re going back to prior. where teh game doesnt force u to log on everyday and are removing borrowed Power and Systems that enforced it, as i say. they could last minute throw something in that’ll change that outcome, but as i said effectively right now DF looks good.

unsub, play something else

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You rlly dont know what you on about, first off DF looks solid, if people are crying about the soar nerf rlly they need a life tbh

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