The game is nearly unplayable at this point

This game is so unoptimized it hurts my soul to it’s core. I’m a tank main, and I am incapable of pulling more then 2 packs at once in a m+ dungeon because my game turns into a powerpoint presentation at 1 slide every 5 seconds, and I just have to pray that some button presses go through and the healer can keep me up. At this point I’m not even writing this to ask for help since I know it’s an underlying issue with the game. I’m just dumbfounded by how bad it is.

It’s laughable how my game can go from smooth 60+ fps gameplay to a literal still image, all because I’m fighting 15 enemies instead of 10. I could do the exact same pull in Necrotic Wake back when shadowlands was current, hell I even messed around with friends and pull the whole Ardenweald portion of De Other Side at once in a +15 for the fun of it, on the same hardware, with zero issues, but now the Necrotic Wake opening pull is impossible on high keys due to lag. And god forbid an enemy starts spawning swirlies on the ground, since they seem to require a nasa super computer to render in any situation, dungeon or raid.

Jokes aside, I’ve tried everything. Fully clean game install, reinstalled addons one by one, updated graphics drivers, updated bios, donated to kids in need, playing at lowest possible settings (including render scale at 33%) without addons, clearing game cache and probably more I’m forgetting, and it hasn’t changed anything. Every other game of course runs perfectly fine at maxed out settings, and I’m well aware I’m not the only one having these issues as half my friends are having the same problems and are unable to raid because of it.

I’m really just venting here, trying to bring more attention to these issues, hoping that Blizzard will eventually do something about it.

TL;DR game bad. pls fix :slight_smile:

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Renderscale has been buggy for about half a year now. Do not set it below or above 100%, it will actually reduce your FPS at 99% or even 33%.

That does sound more like an addon issue, most likely a WA.
Have you tried without addons at all?

Also you might want to post your hardware if you want tips on how to improve performance.

Is your CPU throttling due to heat maybe?

While there are issues with the raid, dungeons are fine for me so far, nothing unusual.

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