The gap between the poor and the rich

When the expansion launched I leveled and geared my character, I thought that was the main goal of the game. Now I am way behind in professions and unable to progress. There is not a single item that I can craft with profit. I have not got a single customer because the stuff I craft is low quality. I cannot equip a new weapon which would have been an upgrade for me because I cannot afford to enchant it. I only have 20k gold. I live Dalaran sewers while other players have villas and multiple fancy mounts.
I am simply unemplyed and broke.
I demand that the rich players are taxed and the poor ones receive weekly benefits. If this cannot be done I propose a different solution. Gangs. Based on the account wide gold level players with low gold should be allowed to join gangs, gank the rich pleayers and loot their gold.


You snooze, you lose I guess.

But tbh, all you needed to do was the weekly Profession quests and collect the weekly Knowledge drops (4 per profession). They don’t take that long to do, and then you’ve got the rest of the week to be gearing up.

Eventually you’ll be catching up anyway. But of course the early adopters and people who plan their KP spend are going to cash in on the profits whilst they’re big.

Oh and BTW, the rich are taxed. The AH takes 5% of our sales.

But there should definitely be better Welfare Gold in DF. The game really misses 2000g from daily emissaries and 3500g from Paragon Chests which we enjoyed in SL.

I do not want an emissary quest, I want your gold.

Well, what can you craft for me to make me want to give you my gold?

I am not crafting anything for you. Your greed made me poor. You need to pay me now, like in real life. I want benefits.

tbh. I don’t really think I’ve been greedy. What has been nice this expansion is that I’ve not needed to charge a high profit margin, simple because the demand has been so high.

So 1k gold on top of a 6k (crafting cost) enchant and then selling 20,000 of them in a week is hardly greed on my part.

Besides, I paid my 5% auction house tax. You chat to Blizz if you want Welfare Gold.

Because I agree, there should be more Casual Gold sources in the expansion.

There are 2 ways this can go. Either we, the poor gang up and take what we believe is ours, or you pay me and my buddies for protection from the former.

Hmmm. I have wm off, so good luck with that

Once blizz implements gangs ure done mate.

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After that rich players will hier mercenarys who will capture you when you try to gank them and send you to work in mine or herb plantation

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Sign me up for your gang ! Look at this blood elf with her fancy 1 milion gold hat thinking she is better than us !

hey, at least he’ll have a job and an income then… if we pay him.

Don’t forget the players that abused a bug and managed to get allot more renown to buy higher level recipes. Their punishment was a 3 day ban and a leg up from everyone else.

The whole profession system is pretty much as bad as it always has been. They never should have put ranks on the items or at least make it so that players can only upgrade the rank by themselves.
For example they buy a pair of boots from you which has a set ilvl and then they can use whatever currency to upgrade it themselves.

You might have to consider becoming that kind of orc.

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