What transpired: A merchant’s vessel, utterly mundane, creeps into Stormwind’s harbour late at night. The vessel’s blue banner does not give away what horrors await in the ship’s rotten underbelly. Abnormally shaped, blood-cursed and blasphemous beings…
The terrible wail from the harbour heralds the otherworldly raid unleashed upon Stormwind’s cathedral and great keep. Darkness takes a hold of Stormwind’s streets.
[This leaflet is plastered across the walls of Stormwind City.]
Citizens of Stormwind City,
our city has been struck with turmoil and violent upheaval as the Stockade’s defenses gave in. The utmost vile, deranged and deformed evil doers were allowed to see the moonlight of Our Great Kingdom. Be assured now that they will not see the sunlight.
Their criminal rebellion was struck down at once. The Stockade has been bolstered and fortified in the same night. This is an isolated incident. No criminal or mentally deranged inmate escaped us, all were returned dead or alive.
At this moment in time there is no evidence that suggests an outside force has arrived from the harbour. Please, dear citizen, do not listen to the ramblings of the mad, only to the stern and stalwart guard.
Signed by
Knight Captain Shaw John
A very interesting concept for an event, something outside the box and new.
Can’t wait to see more from these guys. 
Fantastic event, enjoyed it immensely!
In the midst of the chaos outside the Cathedral, an undefended house full of innocents was visited by a terrible, horned demon. Wielding two warglaives, he cut down anyone within, and devoured all the souls of the inhabitants. By the wall where a woman once stood for naught but a few seconds, screaming for help, there is now a terrible message, written in the blood of those who couldn’t defend themselves against this gruesome attack…
Using the murderous armaments of a once-illidari blood elf, “GARITHOS” is etched deeply within the wooden walls. It has clearly been written not long after the people, now strewn lifelessly across the floors met their sudden doom, given the ammount of blood that the grim tools used to write the name of the human whom fueled the insanity that took place here.
Unleashing thousands of horrors upon the people of the city, a great miasma spread within the blackened streets. From its malformed, ghastly body came streaks of black curses. Unfathomable terrors launched upon each resident’s psyche; they were cursed with eternal insomnia.
For within the walls of Stormwind, a thousand minds passed through a million worlds - thus becoming the Baron’s unsightly vision manifest.
What a great event! I had so much fun raiding Stormwind’s libraries and archives as a servant of Nzoth!
looks like the boys had fun 
I hope you littered the streets of this filthy town with corpses.
Death to the Southerners.
“Xith wgah!”
As they say in Shath’Yar.
I knew I should of had the talk with Tyrinar
Were I not busy with ebon troubles in Gilneas, Argent attention might be focussed on Stormwind for a time
Well thats one way to kill your guild off in a single night!
Best of luck with the new characters to make after this, how many got blasted to pieces by the harbors numerous canons and tanks? Must of been a good laugh DMing the falling artillery 
just as many as during the Horde BFA intro scenario
Get off the high horse buddy, be happy someone graces Stormwind with some fun RP and not just do the usual that’d make even harry potter fanfic authors gag
Stop flaming u prep omfg !
Dumblidore said so cauz’ he had hedach !
And her name is ENOBY not mary sue!!!
heh sorry pal they had anti artillery reverse-magnets that send all the projectiles back… now ur lame second life hub is gone : )
It brought on a lot more character and plot development than nipple-piercing RP, so yes, I’d say we had a good laugh.
I, for one, welcome our roleplayed N’zoth overlords.
Gutted I missed this, but had a fun HOI4 multiplayer game to play 
i lolled
tbh ive wanted that place to get nuked for ages, i dont RP there anyway so wouldn’t be missed, so totally agree with you there!
Draenei nipple piercing, actually. and that happened on the Wandering Isle during the Legion campaign, dunno when though, was just a random back story thing. but im glad you liked it!
i might get a commission of it and DM you a pic over!
Not even a band of Old God worshippers can conjure more horror than that which is found already within Stormwind’s walls.
Thanks for making the raid worth it tenfold.
You say that, but i saw a “Drae’dorei” in Dalaran once, some kinda Draenei elf hybrid monster
Was a Time traveler.
your move…