The Gnome Thread

GTFO burger meat

Gnome party time


A talking miniature burger flipping machine. Now I’ve seen everything.

Out of curiousity, what do you prefer having on your burgers?

Gnomes of course. And pickles. Gnomes and pickles.

So two kinds of meat then. Interesting, but not that unusual. People often add bacon, for instance.

As for the pickles, that’s just horrible. That’s how we ended up with leper gnomes.

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It’s just gnome meat and pickles.

All gnomes should be eradicated from azeroth.

Gnomes! Gnomes! Gnomes!

Yes it was :slight_smile:

Most of my alts are in my bank guild Puny Inc (one on Draenor, one on Silvermoon). I play them so infrequently it’s just convenient to have them all share a guild bank xD

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I’m very, very disappointed in you Puny.

I have Taurens too

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It doesn’t make up for the gnomes. Nothing does.

Not gonna lie. I keep at least one totally shaved Worgen in my basement.

But they are cute and sassy and have pink hair!

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Yes, we are fabulous!



Yes but also no, no no.

Also you forgot they spread diseases those little vermin.

ur aready infected from coming in same topic as us :rofl:

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Gnomes are the best. Pink hair, short, people get extra salty when they get killed by that.


Salutations fellow gnomes! Man did my beard and… Hair… and ears grow…(Experiment gone bad obviously) But anyway! I wish you all the best, And hope you have a gnometastic time!