The Golden Age - Silvermoon. HC Only Raiding Guild

The Golden Age (9/9HC, 2/2HC) currently looking for new members to join the ranks.

We’re a close knit group of gamers with a relaxed but mature attitude who enjoy a good laugh in each others company

We cover a wide array of activities, from Raiding, mythic plus, pvp, farming and more.

In regards to raiding we are looking for DPS:
Warlocks x 2
Windwalker Monk
Demon hunter

Also 1 x Healer

We raid twice a week - Wed and Thurs evenings 9pm until 11:30 pm server time and focus on Heroic progress. We will NOT be raiding Mythic

ilvl for 8.2 405 with a 50 neck

current 400 with a 42 neck

Feel free to add me
Btag - Catryn#2490
Discord - Snubbles-Silvermoon#6347