The golden one claims a vacant throne. The crown of light will bring only darkness

I started to wonder, I know many are speculating this is about Turalion, but is it realy, now with all happening in shadowlands.
where Primus literaly forged a Crown of light so to speak, and Pelagos becoming the Arbiter, he litearly did claim a vacant throne and he is golden now.

what this could meen I am not sure but atleast I think this could be plausable that this is refering to Pelagos and the new Crown, Primus made.

Well, considering that Anduin is taking time off after his ordeal and leaving Turalyon in command even after Shadowlands, the Turalyon connection isn’t exactly disproven. Also, I kinda doubt that they’ll base too much of the future content on purely Shadowlands characters, after it was a bit of a desaster for them. So I don’t think the vacant throne thing will end up referring to Pelagos, even if that were the plan before.

But I guess the crown could more easily be taken to an azerothian plot than the Arbiter, so I’m not ruling its involvement out, either.


true it can refere to turalion, and probably is, but when looking at the hole picture Pelagos most likely is or was the golden one, helm is an other matter, I am not sure who have the helm now, eighter was it Bolvar who got it or someone else.

though problem as I se it now, is that what happens, when Sylvanas starts to funnel souls to Pelagos, is he mature enough to get them in to the right covenants, becuse if this goes bad, Shadowlands will have real dark time again, though doubt we gona se that happen, after everything now.

1: They probably won’t continue the Shadowlands story, so Pelagos won’t be an important character in the near future.

2: Pelagos is kinda trans, so they would not make him a villain.

not willingly that is true, but it seems he has the crown that the primus made, now there has been speculations that the true jailer is the Primus, and if that is the case, things can go realy wierd.
for example instead of sending the souls to the right places in shadowlands, he sends them to Azeroth or something crazy, what might explain the scourge rising again as they seem to.

With the rift sealed the Shadowlands’ influence on Azeroth should be greatly dminished regardless of what happens there. The thing about Old God quotes in general is that they’re incredibly vague so they could be applied to any number of things depending ont he quote itself.

It’s possible the next expansion will revolve around fighting off self-righteous light fanatics among other things, but it could be referring to whoever succeeds Xe’ra for all we know.

true it can, there are lots of potential people who become the villain, including Turalyon, and pelagos, atleast for me, becuse they both kind of fits in the quote now, but so does Yrel now also.

A possibility maybe is Lor’themar too if he officially becomes the new King of Quel’thalas?

(It seems he is in the Shadowlands so he can finally have a talk with Prince Kael’thas about what happened in the past so there’s a small chance Kael could get over it and could allow Lor’themar to get the title of King finally?!?)

But Lor’themar isn’t really a “golden one”…(talking mostly about his hair here :sweat_smile: ), but if he does become the new King I think he could still become one of the possibilities…“the crown of Light” could also refer to the Sunwell partly made of Light after all…

It is about Calia Menethil. She will rule over the forsaken from lordaeron.


Apart from Calia being Calia and not exactly a good fit for Forsaken themes… The Forsaken leader getting their hands on the Crown of Wills, so the anti Helm of Domination, would be cool, thematically. Bringing it back to freee will and so on… Not exactly working great with the monarchy angle, though. But it might match her color scheme…

Why not? She is a perfect match “ undead infused with the [Holy Light]”. Rightful queen of lordaeron.

Also, the crown of wills is at pelagos and will remain so.

That’s not what Forsaken are. Being twisted and well…forsaken by everyone else is kind of their thing. Calia can never represent that. She can change the Forsaken, but I don’t exactly think that’s what Forsaken players want her to do…

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Explain undead holy priest


Can you please explain how “light” works? The lore states that undead are physically incapable of using the light, much like the Broken, but then we have Forsaken players casting healing spells, and Sir Zeliek in Naxxramas using pseudo-paladin abilities.

Without spoiling too much, we can tell you that wielding the Light is a matter of having willpower or faith in one’s own ability to do it. That’s why there are evil paladins (for example, the Scarlet Crusade and Arthas before he took up Frostmourne). For the undead (and Forsaken), this requires such a great deal of willpower that it is exceedingly rare, especially since it is self-destructive. When undead channel the Light, it feels (to them) as if their entire bodies are being consumed in righteous fire. Forsaken healed by the Light (whether the healer is Forsaken or not) are effectively cauterized by the effect: sure, the wound is healed, but the healing effect is cripplingly painful. Thus, Forsaken priests are beings of unwavering willpower; Forsaken (and death knight) tanks suffer nobly when they have priest and paladin healers in the group; and Sir Zeliek REALLY hates himself.

Not exactly comparible to Calia’s situation at all.

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I accept my defeat


also to not forget Lorthraxion, he is the only light Dreadlord, and there is a chance he claimes the Frozen throne in icecrown also.

what could be a direct reference to the godlen one claims an vacant throne.

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Undead Holy priest is actually very cool thing in original lore. Being undead change perspective of individual - all which is touched by “positive” energy feels disgusting and dirty to them. For example, if forsaken see “cute kitty” it will look DISGUSTING for him. And opposite Shadow - feel good for Forsakens. So, shadow priests is an actually a holy priest for Forsakens, they follow same Holy light principal of “spreading goodness around”, but for them “goodness” is Shadows and Gloom etc. And holy light is a curse. So “Holy Priest” in forsaken society is more an inquisitor who used light to punish others undeads.

Actually we were wrong on that one. Sylvanas does have different dialogue for loyalists in her Judgement quest.

Not much, but… more than expected, really.

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Actually the loyalist dialogue could be pretty big…it implies that not only she will return -someday- as we all knew, but she could have a leading role again -at least among the loyalists- while returning as well…maybe not as a racial leader, but still…

I also read it as an olive branch offered by Blizzard…like, "look, we chose to write her character in this direction twisting her story and the general narrative quite a bit to reach this point, but you managed to stay loyal to her and accept the fall of your favourite character, therefore we confirm to you she will return and will be important again…“soon”

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Oh, and I somehow posted it in the wrong thread…whatever… But…

Not really, though, since that’s not for her to decide.