<The High Time Society> are a new guild on Argent Dawn looking to create a raid team, while hosting other events for lower level and lesser geared players!
We need YOU to bolster our ranks and help us fill our raid team or to come along to our casual events.
Who Are We?
We (the GM and Officers) are a group of irl friends who have played World of Warcraft since Vanilla - WOTLK who have all recently moved to Argent Dawn to create a guild. We are seeking to raid twice a week with the guild, being casual with aims of progression. We are also running other fun guild events to consistently play with any others who are up for a laugh and wanting to work to build the guild with us.
What Casual Events Do You Host / Are Planned?
- Legacy raid content for transmog and achievements fortnightly, hopefully increasing to weekly once we get more members.
- Guild quizzes with prizes to be won!
- World PvP events.
- Timewalking Raiding (When available)
- Impromptu 5-man content such as Mythics, legacy dungeons and Timewalking dungeons.
When Will The Raid Team Raid?
We are currently planning to start raiding at the end of the month, to allow enough time to form a raid team.
We plan to raid Friday Evening and Sunday Afternoons. Choosing these times to fit around those with busy irl schedules.
What are the aims of the raid team?
We will start in normal Eternal Palace after an inital trail raid to try out the raid team. After clearing normal, we will seek to do Heroic. Getting a raid team good enough to consistently “farm” HC Eternal Palace is currently our “endgame”, but after this we may seek to expand our raid team to include Mythic difficulty.
How big will the raid team be?
We are currently planning between 10-12 players, although we may expand this raid size if we have many players who are intersted in the following weeks.
What requirements do I need for the raid team?
ilvl 400+ by the end of the month. We currently need Healers and Tanks only, although DPS are welcome to join as reservists. Raid experience would be useful, but not essential providing you are willing to learn, mechanically decent enough for PvE and competent enough to follow a raid leader.
How can I join as a Raider / Casual?
/w me in game or one of the other officers. Preferably
Frozengrip or Huccio our guild master.
Anything else I should know?
We have a guild discord! Once you have joined you will be given a link to the discord where you can check out the latest events, discuss topics with other members, organise your own 5-man events and share some good 'ol dank memes.
Members of the raid team must join the discord to fill out the application form for the raid team, used to gauge the composition of our fledgling raid team.
We hope this is of interest to you! Wether you were once a hardcore raider of WoW who is too busy these days to raid all the time and looking to raid on the weekends, a casual who wants a guild to chat and do fun events with or somone interested in raiding but is unsure how to start after joining the game. This is the guild for you!