The Horde need to step up their game

Why, theres merc guy in Val too.

Ahh didn’t know that.

Having had a healthy win/loss ratio…today ive lost 10 in a row. One of those days i gues…

I dunno, it’s been a rollercoaster recently in random bgs, getting a lot of (not only russian) premades tho.

It’s pretty simple, horde racials are trash in PvP and despite that they get longer queues.

Most of the PvP-focused players rerolled alliance but horde is still the dominant faction in numbers, just with PvE players who are easily farmed in BGs/wPvP.

I exclusively queue mercenary mode. Kind of wish my characters were alliance now but I’m too tight to pay for a faction change, too lazy to re-level and with the exception of dwarves, find the alliance races to be spectacularly lame. Speaking of, can we trade the blood elves for dark iron dorfs please?

I don’t know what are you talking about. After the first 1-2 weeks the W/L ratio became the old. Horde wins a lot. Sometimes horde has really bad times, but in most cases we destroy alliance.

I do not merc since i got my honor gear (first 2 day), I play random bgs when waiting for our RBG team to come online.
I had 65 win from the 92 games this season (~70%), and 40 win from 53 games in the last week (~75%). It’s far from bad.



You can take void elves for the horde if they give us Sethraks

That’s not very believable

Horde never had that win ratio in Europe, less at present, where every aspect from PvP is dominated by alliance.

when they play in premades vs pug s yes

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All this talk about premades… how do you know they’re premade?

I’ve won 95% of the BGs I’ve played this expansion as ally, and I haven’t been in a single premade. Seems like an excuse to me


Hell no! You ain’t getting the Dark Irons :angry:

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Is this why most players over 2200 are alliance?

Maybe is the horde that can only win against pugs :wink:

I dont think they matter that much in BG

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cuz ally racial are better for pvp and every player who want climb more rating play alliance (or reroll ally)
is the same in pve on the horde side . a lot of ally guild move to the horde cuz they say the horde racial are better for pve , there are more players , min-max etc. then are more horde guild /player doing high lvl pve content .

a lot of ppl think the horde win bg s because the orc racial :rofl:

Well… this my current month random bgs:

And my full history (since 2020 Jun)

Or my lifetime wins (ingame statistics, 6166 / 9848 = 62% win):

Those stats means nothing. I have more than 80% won 7000 bgs and it does not mean that this is the result of every player in the alliance.

What is established by the majority of players who post in the forum, is that currently horde is losing the vast majority.

Indeed, Snowolf is not talking about Horde in general but rather about his personal experience.

However, the number of players that write here on the forum is not representative of the whole Horde playerbase, so we can’t consider as an undeniable truth that Horde is losing most bgs.

your stats means nothing because u play 90% in premades vs pug s

they post on the forum because they are stomped by allys premade ( most of them)

The Horde is but a shadow of its former self. Bow to your new Alliance gods.

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Mercenary mode + lots of former orcs returning alliance since the orc racial is not the best anymore (df trinket bonus + crafted gear with the additional cc reduction + another racial is more value than just 20% reduc on stuns). There’s likely a big number problem for the horde’s pvp population (especially the tryhard population) now and as a result it is getting farmed in bgs very hard now

Lok’tar but no ogar