The Horde need to step up their game

It’s not even funny anymore, it feels like bullying. What the hell happened to you guys? And don’t even try to blame it on gear, you had enough time to farm now.


I tried leading an AV, we wiped alliance at Galv, then I decided to go Snowfall GY then Balinda (she died) after that, I had like 2-3 people telling and calling me stuff, politely gave them access to raid leading, then they said no, they did no want to lead, so I continued leading, then same people kept telling me to not listen to this random dragon and then that’s when I lost control of the leading.

What I’m trying to say is that a lot of people on Horde side are very highly opinionated and think what’s best but they are the firsts one who lack the initiative to organize, so yeah, there is your answer.

Lack of initiative and tactics.
Horde don’t do objectives and have zero awareness therefore alliance gain dominance.

Thing is most people don’t even speak english or very little since all realms merged and all. I mean there is 0 discussion in instance chat but the ocassional " hord suk". That tells all.

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What I don’t get is Horde have teams that usually have 1-5 DHs and 1-5 Fury Warriors and still manage to lose.

Maybe the universe is punishing people for playing fotm specs? :thinking:


Not sure what you’re on about…

Ive won more than Ive lost this expac…

I dont blame the gear, i blame the alliance for 24/7 premades. Especially german horde get stomped by ravencrest premades all day long.

Horde treats BGs like a call of duty free for all.

It doesnt matter how many times you advice people to spread out and play the objective, they insist on zerging a single point and fighting in the road.

If a healer is standing there topping up the enemy team we just waste time smashing the prot warrior and wonder why we are dropping like flies as they laugh us back to the graveyard.

The lack of communication is dire, all chat is completely dead until some idiot says gg after we throw away the game.

It isn’t even worth rolling the dice on whether the horde will be decent in the next BG, i gaurantee we get our trousers pulled down and recive a thorough clapping from the next gaurdian druid, fury warrior and DH.

The only soultion is to go to oribos and fight alongside the Alliance, the shame of switching sides is far less torture than a Horde BG.

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Horde don’t do premades? :o

I have personally not been in a premade so far this expansion, so I don’t think that’s what’s happening. What I have seen is that Alliance now communicates objectives and have grown faction pride to the point you actually see people getting pumped saying "For the Alliance! etc. Basically they are acting like the old Horde used to do.

Meanwhile the Horde itself seem to have lost all their fighting spirit and as people pointed out here they don’t work together, they rush in one by one against a group of Alliance and then wonder why they end up getting farmed.

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I’m winning a ton but I play 2-3 man frequently and as a healer so my carry potential. Atleast in the first clashes, had always felt immense.

Using my healing frames to call incs on behalf of mutes and placing feasts in every BG.
Been some closer games since arena opened but still going at an 80%+ winrate for some 200% BGs since hitting 70.

Wondering if the influx of returning players being larger on Horde in tandem with orc racial being dead is what’s really doing work.

I really do not notice any difference?

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Enjoy ur free wins.

Seriously now, they aren’t that tragic as you try to display. They win and sometimes games are challenging.

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Majority of people queueing Horde are newer players who don’t know mercenary exists, and the older players know it exists and queue it. It’s just habit for me to merc it up for BGs now

We are playing on alliance side… it kinda snowballed. It started with absurd 50% honor bonus on your side so every capable horde player went merc and that kinda stick afterwards, so right now only reason why you are winning are us killing other hordies.

I disagree. Alliance teams break as fast as they did before. And with some Mercs it depends heavily on “lucky team comp”. Means you either have a bunch of “You are not my mom and tell me what to do in a BG” or people that know what to do and just do it.
I had a team yesterday with 5 Horde players on Alliance. They really carried the team - supported by an Alliance healer.
The problem is, like always, the “critical mass”. If you have too many players that can’t, won’t or don’t know how to play objectives you lose.
Like the typical Arathi Basin group:
2 Stables
3 Mines
4 BS
4 LM
2 running for Farm
Mostly ends up in losing four bases. When you have the critical mass mentioned they lay down their weapons and start zerging while 3-4 people still try to win the game.
That applies a lot more the smaller the battleground is. The critical mass is harder to reach on Epic BG than let’s say Warsong.

edited: Forgot to mention the general problem of one team not having a healer at all.

Seems like a pretty major cope honestly, because regardless of mercs or not the outcome is usually the same, and I’ve also seen some of these mercs doing rather poorly. If they were so good they would be able to win on their own side, let’s be real here.

I am just stating facts. Also the moment Merc NPC despawns we go to very high W:L ratio for time being. Also I don’t think you know how to tell apart mercs… talking about cope… right now being merc is just matter of efficiency, you are the one gaining from it, enjoy.


have grown faction pride to the point you actually see people getting pumped saying "For the Alliance!

Hell I hope you are no more than 14

Enjoy getting carried by 14 year olds then=)

Never seen you… and you talk about cope… we are done here.

1º You had enought time to gear up. You can do in 2 days or faster. And we had also that bonus in SL and BFA.

We can see when a player is mercenary. When they enter, it tells you in parentheses “(Horde)” after his name.

You can also see how many mercenaries are in your team using /Who.

What you say is incorrect since in many BGs we don’t have mercenaries, and when we do they are usually 1-2 of 10/15. Many times they are leechers with 150k

So get off the donkey, don’t rail us. In fact, removing mercenary mode would be the best thing to do right now.

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