The idea to introduce bans to pet battle PvP

I am currently doing the “Family Brawler” achievement and I have found that it is almost impossible to win with some families. I always get Darkness teams and others with Anubisath and Direhorn.
That sparked me an idea that introducing bans to PvP will mix meta. I see it as you choose 3(up to a debate of course) pets to ban in PvP and all players with any of the banned pets will be excluded from your queue.
What do you think about it?

There are few people in the queue as it is, and 3 excluded pets isn’t going to get it done. The meta typically runs at 5-15 pets that are overused at any given time. For example,

you might want to exclude all the T1s listed there, and 5 or 6 others. After which, it is likely that nobody at all will match with you.

My idea was that each week, the game would allow a subset of about 50 species to be used, changing each week, but Family Brawler makes that difficult.

It has two sides. If everyone is banning these pets, people playing with these pets will have long queues. That way they will want to change to less meta pets.

They should just nerf the overpowered abilities so that there’s not the power difference between a top pet and an ok one.

I think that weekdays should be any comps with weekends being brawler only teams to allow the achievement.

Only issue is when you make bans, a new meta will arise.
Sometimes it causes a bigger issue as the new best meta might not now have the checks to keep it in place, thus making tier 1 into tier 0.

If you look at competitive card games such as “magic the gathering” bans can sometimes causes adverse and more damaging effects to the overall meta.

The same happens for pets when changes or new things are added.

What happened is Sandstorm was the most reliable strategy before Shadowlands and they then buffed it’s damage significantly.

Aoe the strongest strategy slightly gained in power level.

So they didn’t take out the top of the meta so much as they solidified it further.

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