The Jailer was the original Arbiter

  1. She has a nice big orb at the center of her chest where the Jailer has a nice big hole in the center of his? Was he cast out and his “sphere of power removed”

  2. Maybe he began to judge people in-correctly which resulted in him being imprisoned in the Maw and the new Arbiter being promoted

  3. Makes a lot of sense that his nick name is the Jailer, given he imprisoned life he deemed unworthy rather than being impartial and sending them to the correct place. Somebody being given the title of “The jailer” but actually he was just jailed and is incapable of putting somebody in jail (which is a judges decision unless an Arbiter or somebody above it rules differently) wouldn’t make sense if he wasn’t the original Arbiter. If it was, he’d just be called “The Prisoner”

what do you think?

A counter argument: Zovaal is his original name. He became The Banished One when he was banished & chained. He became the Jailer once he forged his chains into a weapon, when the Machine of Death broke, when souls started going directly to the Maw, and he started to imprison them.

With these chain of events, ending up with The Jailer as the title makes perfect sense.

Or, another counter-theory: the Maw was the Jailer’s realm from the beginning, his task was to jail the souls deemed irredeemable. Perhaps he got banished and chained himself because he started to build an army of them. In this case, he may have had The Jailer title prior to getting banished.


Great arguments

  1. To be banished means you have to be sent away from somewhere else, Meaning he is not originally from the Maw

  2. Souls where going to the Maw before hand, however it seemed that even Arthas was unworthy enough for the Maw as he had to be hurled into the maw by Uther, and that the Jailer has referred too as the Jailer before the machine of death broke… The others didn’t known of Zovaal plan or what he was doing, so they had no reason to call him the Jailer prior to us arriving

However he was free of his “chains” prior to the creation of Frostmourne by the looks of things

Not necessarily. He could be banished from the Pantheon of Death, and not banished from the Maw. If banished from the Pantheon, chaining him in the Maw makes perfect sense - that’s where irredeemable souls go anyway.

Arthas never went before the Arbiter. Not because the machine of death was broken by that point (it wasn’t, Ysera went to Ardenweald, and she died way after Arthas did, for example), but because Devos and Uther yoinked him before any other Kyrian could ferry his soul to the Arbiter for judgement. We do not know how the Arbiter would’ve judged him.

That fits one of my theories above perfectly fine. If Zovaal’s original purpose was to be The Jailer of irredeemable souls, the title fits, and the others would have a reason to call him that.

Well, they certainly banished him and chained him up. They didn’t know about him forging his chains into a weapon (except for the Primus, who strongly suspected it).

If his original purpose was to guard the realm of the Maw, the Jailer title is fitting, and it has no relation to his current activities - which aren’t really jailing to be honest. He’s diverting anima into the Maw, siphons the energies, and is building an army. There’s a few important souls he keeps locked up, yes, but that’s hardly his primary activity at this time. It feels like that used to be

Maybe the Jailer is like Disney Hades, aka he got to rule over hell and didn’t really like it and thought it unfair so he tried to conquer all of Shadowlands?

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I would be thrilled if WoW tried to take itself as serious as South Park…

They do say that the maw didnt used to be called the maw and looked different, you can tell this from the chunk of metal and random scaffolding inside the maw.

curious to find out what the jailor originally did

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