The Kael'thas Conundrum

Now when I zoomed in, I did, hah. Apologies.


the silver covenant was in the right the sunreavers violated the law and their leader was a traitor to the kirin tor six shame about the people not involved though

I’m going to guess he will have a forcibly written redemption nobody will like, but he also will make some comments about setbacks

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Ion Hazzikostas explained Revendreth in a manner that you can think only word of. And the word is Purgatory.
A place for redeemable souls. And it is a temporary stop. Meaning Kael’thas will have to move elsewhere eventually. Ion specificly said that it might another plane of death or “somewhere else”.

This might mean Kael’thas might return to the land of the living. And if not, we may help him reach for example Ardensweald where his soul will rest and prepare for eventual coming back to life.

As for his potentian as a character, well we all know that Horde is in desperate need for old Warcraft heroes. We just lost Sylvanas. Meaning only Thrall is left.
If we include campaign only. There is still Rexxar and Rokhan from their adventures by the end of the Frozen Throne.

Alliance on the other hand has 5 prominent heroes from Warcraft 3.

Aswell as two prominent heroes from Warcraft 2

Kael’thas’ return would be nice addition to already butchered Horde rooster.

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