The KSM reward - can it be used for myth track tier pieces?

Just got KSM (first time for me!) and I got an Emerald Mark of Mastery, that I can trade for a hero track tier piece at a tiny dragon in the Emerald Dream. But according to WoWhead, he can also trade myth track pieces for that stone? Do I need to get to a higher rating or something to be able to buy those myth track pieces?

Thinking it might be worth keeping the stone if I can use it later to get a myth track tier piece instead of a hero track piece.

Congrats ^^

The mark of mastery is used for hero 1/6(elite pvp pieces) or 3/6(pve pieces, but you might as well get the elite piece if you’re not a pvp person for the free transmog :smile:

Screenie link:

Alright, thanks! So no way to get the myth track tier pieces from that dragon?

The one next to him sells tier pieces for a Fyrakk item. Perhaps you meant that?

Oh, yeah. But that’s with a raid token, right? Doesn’t apply to me then, cause I don’t raid.

Thanks for the answers! I’ll save the token until after I’ve opened the vault on Wed and then complete my 4p.

Right. There are no other myth track items that I’m aware of.

good luck \o/ have a great evening

Thanks, you too!

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