The Lack of Void Elf Customization Options

Looks at other core race customisations and their cool stuff, looks at Blood Elf ones that don’t need you to look like a Goldshire hooker in order to see them, or have a Dulux colour chart for your eyes (You can have cyan, or light blue, or darker light blue, or blue, or slightly darker light blue, or no eyes at all) starts sobbing inconsolably, cracks open a bottle of Lambrini, turns on the stereo and starts weeping through his mascara as he sings along, getting drunk “Aaaallll by My…s-elf, don’t wanna be, aaaalll by my s-elf”

Some day, some day, we will get what was promised…

Until then “Don’t wanna be, aaaalll by my s-elf anymore!” :stuck_out_tongue:


This cannot go on for long. How dare blizz devs favour alliance for once? Delete void elves ASAP. The alliance bias must end.

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Just place them on ignore and ask for what you want in an already existing thread. And there are plenty active ones currently.

All these threads popping up are not really necessary.

Other than that, I don’t really have any opinions on the whole argument. I’m just happy for the hair colors and that’s enough for me.

But everyone has the right to ask for what they want.

Go back to your gnome fantasy please

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This panda is on fire here, absolutely correct.


Thanks undead creature thing.

All of these options were also just copied from Blood Elves, nothing unique or new, we didn’t get a “overhaul” in customization like LFD, Nightborne and Highmountain are getting, meaning Void Elves are the only Legion Allied Race that didn’t got anything new and unique to them.

Yet we have to hear these guys saying “shut up and accept it, you got too much”. Even tough you just proved how they’re still on the lower end of customization.

Toxicity, arrogance, lack of understanding. Screw this community, if this game continues to decline and die i won’t feel bad for it, they asked for it for constantly trying to undermine itself.


I made a whole thread on it, and the comments on that thread only proved me right. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: oh and I’m not even going to mention the threat I’ve received.

Forums is just a messed up place. Don’t let it ruin your hype for the new patch.

Yeah but, that’s kinda what we wanted. I mean natural hair and a tentacle toggle was something we’ve been asking for a long time and we received it. So it’s not something that’s bad, even if it is copied. At the end of the day alliance finally received stuff we asked for, only took them 17 years.

And if they are going to add anymore customizations “unique ones” as you put it, its most likely going to be Void related like N’Zoth eyes.

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To be fair, all other 3 Legion ARs had less unique customisation options.
Also most of the demands for void elves from what I’ve read were ‘make them look less like void and more like high elves’.
If I were a developer I also would rather give the 3 ARs more new unique stuff people will like instead of creating things for a race to look less like it’s intended to.

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Personally i think we are good on High Elf options, and a more recent suggestion were these hairstyles:

They should focus on Void Elf themes if they actually give the race unique options.


As someone who is being referred to as a troll in the other threads (for having the audacity of raising the question of whether helf fans should consider toning down their machine gun of requests) I think it HUGELY ironic that one of the points I raised regarding why people tend to get grump on this matter (that helf fans for some reason need thread after thread after thread) we have here a thread that is for no explicit purpose other than to tell people to “stop saying X, look, we don’t have the most, stop saying that and leave us alone”.

Seeing as I was accused of “trying to censor the opinions of helf fans” with my question in the other thread (hahaha) I sincerely hope this thread is taken in the same manner by those whom accused me of such.

After all: it’s precisely the same. What we have here is someone raising a point, pointing to the facts around it, and then inferring that “this should be enough to make you consider being quiet” but I bet my bottom dollar this won’t be interpreted as “attempting to censor the opinions of those players”. Oh no. This is merely “spitting facts”.

It’s ridiculous. As I’ve always said I support customisation options in themselves and that doesn’t change but I will say the helf community as displayed of late: displays the self-awareness and coherence of a spaghetti salad suffering from an identity crisis.
You have people telling others they’re wrong for expressing their thoughts, trying to point out how their basis is wrong, so they shouldn’t do it, all hunky dory, whilst moaning about how others disagreeing on the matter or simply asking you to “slow down” or even simply stating “I’m tired, here’s why” are screeched at for “denying your opinion” and “how is it fair we’re subjected to this?”

All the while having 4-5 threads going on at current, and not only that, but derailing the Nightborne, Wildhammer and Highmountain threads with more of your requests?

You’re a bunch of naval gazing hypocrits. People calling you out for showing up in every thread not about you, and in addition to this having a separate thread (or multiple) for each individual request isn’t people trying to censor you. It’s people telling you that maybe you should consider going about your business a different way. Because the way you’re doing it at the minute isn’t endearing people to you, and when you then complain they’re targeting you, no sympathy is given.

You want people to not complain about Helf fans in the Wildhammer thread? Then don’t post several posts in the Wildhammer thread about helf stuff and “how cool my helf is gonna be” in there. It’s pretty basic stuff.

Freaking talk about people showing you courtesy to pursue what you love? What you like? Show others the same dang consideration and maybe just maybe they’ll back off a bit. It isn’t rocket science. How many people have complained about Nightbornes being everywhere of being demanding? I mean they’ve had the same focus of late and indeed many of their fans have made additional lists of requests despite the tease…? None. You know why? Because they keep it in their singular thread. They don’t pop up in other race threads to derail, and where they do pop up it’s to say “we’re happy you’re getting this!” Full stop. No Additional requests being made at the same time. Just support. Take a leaf out of their book. They do it exactly the right way!

But I’ll tell you this, making a thread explicitly to moan about “how the other players are wrong, they shouldn’t be doing this” is absolutely tone deaf. People are telling you clearly: IT’S TOO MUCH. It’s oversaturating. Creating another thread? Lord almighty. I’ve heard your community is large. Surely one individual in that community has an iota of PR common sense right?


If they had been given GOOD customization options, I would. In a heartbeat.
But alas…


All for Void Elves getting new customizations if they’re actually… y’know… Void Elf customizations.

Feels like they have more High Elf options than Void Elf ones atm. I know Void Elves are a terrible concept but can we at least try?


I love those hair designs, but I HATE the icky tentacles.
Thankfully Blizzard is adding a tentacle on/off option, so yeah… I’d love to see such hair styles as long as I could use them without the ugly tentacles.

But I agree; to differentiate them more from blood elves, they should be given ‘void themed’ customization options. The people who want their ‘high elf’ can just not use those options.

Stuff like:

  • Dark purple glowly tattoos.
  • Purple versions of the ‘night warrior’ black eyes (let’s call it ‘void warrior’).
  • Mag’har type ‘skin with modifications’, but of course void themed.
  • Purple veins (would work like tattoos)
  • Different (body) jewelery that matches their heritage armor


You know that if you keep creating these threads then same people will pursue you? These type of arguments are just to compare races to another, players will are never satisfy with what they get.

You don’t get bored after seeing the same people arguing about the same stuff for months? You will not change your mind, they’ll not change their mind, it just doesn’t make sense to keep posting about the subject.

Who am I kidding? Probably another elf thread will come up tomorrow or the day after… why people cannot just enjoy the game and shut up if they got what they wanted?
Yes I can ignore the thread and blablabla, tell Blizzard that if I put someone on ignore I get their thread delisted so I can ignore every single elf that spams forums.

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Orc males have it all off the premises of how the math is done since everything is multiplied due to compensate for every possible character creation, including toggle options / posture options.

Now for my shameless segway on how now worgen need more customisation cause they are only as high as they are due to having 30 eye colours, not cause of having decent customisation if you even get rid of 10 or 11 of their eye colours they basically have kul tiran levels of customisation statistically, basically a allied race.

I hate the tentacles too, even on my proper Void Elf characters i’m turning them off as soon as the option reach live, but the artist did posted a version without them. I showed the tentacled one cause it’s the original post and to appease to the crowd that can’t see the words “high” and “elf” in combination without getting upset.


Oooh Laaandrieeen check what I’ve got here from Faebelina :heart_eyes: I like her hairstyle concepts more! I’m literally in love with them and would drop to my knees and beg to have them! :sob:

Also feel free to join us in our discord here for Void elf discussions and suggestions


I loved these! They blend the tentacles well, in a way they enhance the looks!

Thanks for the invite, but i’m already on it. :slightly_smiling_face:

IKR the tentacles are woven into the hair!

Really?? I didn’t know you were there! You should poke me and say hi sometime :smiley: