The last fun part of WoW has been ruined

Is it blabber or is that just an easy way for you to dismiss an entire group of people with honest sentiments?

The natural progression of the current game is terrible and a huge number of people have already quit. Who is this natural progression for? What if the natural progression sucks fat chode?!

There have always been twinks who just don’t want to have to re-gear their toon every 10 minutes. You are just the kind of person that wants to transform everything into another form of fast levelling. Why don’t you just pay for a fecking boost if you want to level so fast. There are PLENTY of ways to level outside of PVP.

For us who don’t like BFA but still love WoW there can be solace in twinking and a healthy community built up around that. The kind of community that goes out of its way to help each other, give each other advice, be friends with. That just doesn’t happen in the end game, or at least very rarely.

You can pull out my honest admitance that initially I enjoyed farming noobs, but that doesn’t devalue the rest of what I said. Further, you just didn’t even read it, you just ASSUMED that we all JUST LIKE PUB STOMPING despite what everybody keeps telling you. That’s just ignorant.

I am sick to death of farming and refarming every 4 months, especially when the end game is so tedious and it’s like playing the lottery. BFA can suck my nutsack. The people still playing BFA for fun are honestly either braindead, enjoy tedium, children, or they literally just have nothing better to do with their lives.

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According to a very small group of players. The majority seems to enjoy it. Or can you link the statistics that shows us the huge number of people who quit due to terrible natural progression?

So you are too lazy to gear your character for the brackets you play, and therefor you should have some kind of right to roflstomp everyone else in said brackets? Hm…

You do realise, of course, that if people stopped levelling through bg’s and bought boosts instead, there would be no queues to join for twinks? Even with exploits.

and then:

Oh, the irony… :smiley:

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How can you possibly need statistics to prove that this game has lost a lot of subs? Do you honestly have that small a number of friends that you didn’t notice? Bro, everyone I know has quit. I had upwards of 30 people I would play with daily. All of them have quit. The guilds I am in are abandoned with no messages in them for months. Some of these guilds are years old and have been active for years. You honestly cannot be that ignorant.

There is only now a vocal minority to how bad the game is because so many people have quit. They have quit because for most people this game is absolutely trash at the end game. Even the most dedicated streamers, youtubers, pro players…they ALL quit. Asmongold, Bellular is playing less nixxiom quit, pro players express their lack of enjoyment in the game. Dude open your eyes.

Is it laziness. or can I just not stand the game. I’ve expressed that I hate the end game, I don’t want to re-gear as the game stands. Previously it sucked having to do it yeah, but you put up with it because you were excited for the content. This content now is not worth it.

People have always roflstomed bg’s. I have been roflstomped MANY TIMES. Its not that big a deal. I still took part even when i would do terribly. WoW PVP has always been nails, and now its been watered down for care bears like you. Care bears who enjoy this flacid, tedious expansion, and who cant stand the idea that other people may deserve to farm you for all the work they have put in.

I dont think that is the case at all. BG’s have classically been AWFUL as a levelling tool and now even with the increased XP i have seen the longest queues in any expansion to date.

Yeah dude, the thing is people can assume whatever they like about me without context and I can call them out. If you still enjoy this expansion than that is certainly enough material for me to make an educated guess on how flat your skull is. That is plenty of context. I cannot fathom how boring your life would have to be in order to enjoy BFA and I mean that genuinely.

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And here you are, writing walls of text over not being able to queue up to low level bg’s in a twinked character. Sad.

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What an idiot.

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“Walls of text”, well sorry guy that when you have a point to make all you can muster is the equivalent of somebody tutting from the sidelines? Maybe if you had some substance rattling around in your head you wouldn’t come off as so incredibly devoid of character and intellect.

Like I said, this expansion sucks the big one. You might like it because judging from your achievement score this is your first time playing wow, but most of us have actually been here for a while and a *hitty wow experience just isn’t enough to convince us to dedicate massive amounts of our free time constantly chasing item level. I’ll just start making crappy music for hours again and f this game off.

Well at least lvl20 F2P veterans are still a thing. Honestly that’s the last fun thing about current WoW.

And as for the people who are criticizing twinking: you should actually try it before expressing your thoughts. It’s not useful for both sides to cry about twinks because you got deleted by them. Pro tip: use enchanted heirlooms.

That’s not what I said. I asked for some confirmation to your claim that they all left because of the terrible natural progression of the game. You see, most of the people I have seen leave over the years, have done so due to the natural progression of their lives!

So a bit of both then?

And here we go with the insults again. Please grow up. And what work are you on about anyway? Locking your xp requires you to talk to an npc! How can that be so much work??? Ok, so using the exploit to enter xp-off bg’s makes you have to talk to the npc again before each bg, but still… Work??? I don’t think so :slight_smile:

Again, if people stopped levelling through bg’s, there wouldn’t be enough signups to get bg’s going. This has been stated over and over by the twinks themselves who cannot get a bg to pop with xp off.

And here you go, assuming all sorts of things about me, including the shape of my scull :smiley: :smiley: :joy: So I’m gonna call you out and tell you that reading your posts, “Educated” is certainly not the first word that pops into my mind :wink:

My life is far from boring, my head is nice and round like a coconut, and yes: I am enjoying the game :kissing_heart:

Doesn’t indicate that in some brackets then that Twinks are few and far between?

I can speak from experience and with reasonable certainty that in the mid level brackets you’d be unlikely to meet a Twink in the majority of BG’s. These also happen to be the brackets where the difference in a leveller and a Twink in relative power terms is not that huge.

I have done some comparison work between a 39 MW in Looms with each piece of gear enchanted vs a Twink 39 MW, the difference is literally 5 Spellpower and better optimised secondary stats on the Twink.

In typical Blizzard fashion they took a sledge hammer to break a nut. With a bit of forethought they could have made the playing field a lot closer in the brackets where there was a huge difference.

For Example disabling Ring / Trinket and head slots in the 10 -19 Bracket, 20 -29 Rings / Trinkets , Gem Sockets in the 50 -59 Bracket and gem sockets not available to a level 60 in the 60 - 69 Bracket.

The picture is not as cut and dried as people like to think it is, rule of thumb lower level the bracket the more the power difference. The new ( if there is such a thing ) player stepping into their 1st BG at say level 15 is still going to be stomped by the levellers that access to looms, nothing has changed for them. The loomed leveller is now King of Hill ……

Item squish and the rng of Epics for all has minimised the power differences massively. I don’t dispute that a Twink will have better optimised gear, and will probably be using consumables, but they aren’t exclusive to twinks are they.

[quote=“Arleinaa-dragonblight, post:30, topic:56196, full:true”]

Who in their right mind is leveling up, probably their first character ever in WoW, and using consumables in a random bg in those brackets? Either you’re being incredibly disingenuous or just absurdly out of touch.

Why do you keep proving our point? You’re literally saying there are brackets where the advantage is huge. In others it isnt huge uh? Guess that makes it ok then :man_facepalming:

As per normal you quote what you want and don’t either read the whole post or only read the part of the post you want as if it proves your point.

^ Just for you, reading posts longer than the list of your PvP achievements seems to be a little on the difficult side.

You’ve been playing wow for 6 years and don’t have a single gladiator or curve achievement. I have done harder content as a casual in 7 months subbed than you did in 6 years. That’s what happens when you spend all you time pub stomping new players.

Reading walls of text made by crybabies who lost their little feel good moment is difficult for me that’s correct.

i like coconut, we can be friends still.


Wow is down to less that a million subs, you can see people leaving left and right, the guilds are empty, and you don’t think that this is because the “natural progression” as you call it, which is a stupid turn of phrase anyway because IT’S A GAME NOT REAL LIFE IT DIDN’T GROW OUT OF THE GROUND, is the cause? The end game is atrociously weak, playing the game through it’s naturaly progression is just aids bro.

No, I hate BFA. Playing through old content I am not lazy and will happily farm a sword off the same 8 mobs for 8 hours like i recently did for the Destiny sword. I will never play BFA end game content again as it is not worth the time, it is far far too boring and unsatisfying.

You have clearly never made a twink and experienced the hours of grinding that you need to put in to get a full bis set of rare drops, including maxing out the professions, grinding dungeons for 2% drops, grinding mobs for 0.04% drops. Work?? I think so :slight_smile: just having xp off doesn’t make you a twink? Is that honestly the level you are on? Why am i having this discussion with someone who doesn’t even know what a twink is?

I don’t think that’s the case, and even if it was then that could easily be fixed by merging more battle groups.

I mean you can say all that stuff but I don’t believe it. The shape of your skull is a reference to your level of intellect and given you cannot even process the idea of an analogy then I would say it is pretty accurate.

You seem exactly like the kind of person who would be enjoying bfa to be frank, and given how boring BFA is then it would take a very low bar of excitement for you to consider ANYTHING exciting, let alone your own life when you have a bias.

and then:

It was your phrase, so you can release the caps lock button :wink: And you are answering my question with a question. It’s not about what I think or what you think; I asked if you had some facts to back up your statement. I assume you don’t.

Why not really? What is so different in level 120 random bg’s, hm? Is it the fact that you’ll be pubstomped yourself until you get good gear or…?

You’re right about me never having made a twink! But I’m not sure even those who HAVE are completely sure what a twink is, after reading their posts in these threads. Some of them claim it is so easy, everyone should do it. Some claim there is no noticeable difference anymore between a twink and a non-twink even! (Which makes me wonder why you “work” so hard and so many hours to build them at all )

That is actually a good idea. They should merge more battlegroups so that players with xp off can get queues popping against other players with xp off.

Haha :smiley: Honestly I don’t care much what you believe! I got the analogy just fine btw, I was merely making fun of your post! But you are so smart, so surely you understood that? :joy:
And yes, I am exactly the kind of person who enjoy the game (otherwise I’d quit :wink: ). And yes, my life is good and exciting! If that makes you question my intellect, then so be it! :slight_smile: Enjoy being bitter and angry, throwing around insults at complete strangers over pixels :slight_smile: If it makes you feel intellectually superior somehow, then good for you!




And this

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