The Lion's rest massacre

But that is not to stop anyone else who wishes to attempt it to have a go. And I highly encourage it. After all, with all the mercenaries in the streets, powerful paladins or various numbered Legions… Sometimes, it pays to be a bit more humble and attempt roleplay that is more in line with NPCing than a hero.

…There was a lantern cleaner I saw once in Stormwind. He was brilliant.


I remember the Peon Union…

dammit, i missed the party


Some fun negative reactions I have had as town crier:

  • People whispering me telling me that they are ignoring me

A good case of “I’m ignoring you! And I am going to tell you that I am ignoring you so please pay attention to me as I ignore you!”.
M’kay. Who are you again?

  • God Emoter trying to instant kill me

Although several people have attacked my town crier and tried to walk off consquence free (They failed and got even more upset), I had three people try to kill off my character. Two of them tried to do via whispers, a warlock and a rogue.
The warlock really got irked when I refused to accept his instant kill emote and started screaming that I was racist.
Highly amusing.

  • People complaining that I was too loud

People stand next to me, then complain that I was too loud. Or stand away and still complain that I was too loud.
Apparently, I am now the dovahkiin. Beware, beware, the town crier comes.

All provided amusing comments amidst the out-of-character laced dialogue, swearing and other generally lackluster interactions.


I really have to applaud the Town Crier and everyone surrounding it for the amazing RP it brought for the last few weeks, it made my character continuously having to watch her back whilst she tried to preserve a good image for the Ren’dorei which as time went on became increasingly harder.

Can’t wait what the future holds now that 8.3 is released and where it will lead storywise, but I’m looking forward to it!


judging by the writing style of those PMs, I can confidently say several were just one guy cycling through alts daily to tell you how ignored you are in an attempt at discouragement.

True. Last night, the crier just yelled at my velf as she was going loco and simply disintegrated her with her voice alone.

as are many others, I’m sure!


Forever grateful that the Ren’dorei; dangerous traitors to the Horde and to Silvermoon, were exiled when they were. How lucky we are to not have these volatile warped insults to the Sin’dorei roaming the streets of Orgrimmar.


This thread alone gave me some interest for RPing in Stormwind again. Will I get assassinated moment I step through the gate? That’s the question

With some luck :^)

i’m not sure actually. At the moment I suppose most people are indulging in content, and will be for a bit, so it might not be as tense as it ought to be.

Seems that hardly anyone in Stormwind is safe from the unseen reach of N’Zoth in 8.3, so now more than ever ought to be a time of strife and paranoia.

I’d honestly love for things to remain somewhat chaotic during this patch; or at least until such a time that the majority of RPers decide to take N’Zoth’s defeat IC.


Sadly, I do not think so.
Despite the positive feedback we had and both void elves and non-void elves alike taking an interest in the idea of the conflict roleplay… there is still a number of people who are very adamant in their stance that ‘Void Elves are good’.

And not in the good sense. During our role-plays, we had a number of encounters that… well…

We had two void elves running around the town crier stuff with pink shirts offering out free hugs.
Multiple void elves swearing like sailors.

And my personal favorite is seeing one individual decide to try and cease all the role-play by going into the rumor mill thread and attempting to ‘undo’ everything in what is basically a case of “No, no, no! No role-play! No role-play. Cease! No more”.

You know. Childish, petty things. Stuff you’d see akin to those college protesters with the signs and the temper tantrums.

I do hope that you manage to find a community that does explore the idea of the stigma of the ren’dorei, and the struggles that face with their void changed bodies.


You’d hope so, but even leading up to the patch, there were a number of people who had a very deep hatred of the idea that the void elves could be… you know… UNTRUSTWORTHY.

What, with the void whispers, the danger of the void coming, the stigma of being a creature of darkness in a city of Light worship…


But why would anyone do that though…?

I read another one of your posts and I can remember you writing that the second you mentioned the void elves, the OOC whispers and comments flooded in. I am triple confused as of why. Ren’dorei are embodied with a more dangerous thing than fel. The void is shunned and wieldieing it is frowned heavily upon. Adding to that is the fact that the ren’dorei are (mostly, atleast I assume so) former sin’dorei.

People that roleplay a ren’dorei know exactly what they sign up for. Like I know what I sign up for when I run around in Duskwood on my goblin. Unless they don’t care about the lore one bit.

I am mindboggled by the fact that people choose a more questionable race but then pretend like everyone just “accepts” them. The only explanation I can give to that is that people think IC critic is a direct attack on their chosen race to play. Which really is not the case here.

I still believe most ren’dorei should react like “Ok, but… I am 6000 years older and look better than you. So like… get out of my face before I mindspike you that you can’t even remember your own name?”. Or they straight up ignore it since they know what they have sacrificed to wield the power of the void! They are former high elves and / or sin’dorei. You know? The most smug race? Why would a ren’dorei care about a random market crier when wielding super strong powers?

This just screams “my character is a second persona of mine. How dare you speak bad about me?”

Simply solution for those people: leave the area for the duration. Stormwind is not the only place where roleplay with your buddies is possible.

I liked the :broccoli: one and the one where that one Shonn dude screamed something about the PCU IC without the PCU being even a thing IC. Even I know that without ever having roleplayed once with any PCU member.

TRP Age of these void elves: Teen.



But that doesn’t mean they care. They’re there for their blueberry x3 elf socialite rp


This still bothers me quite a lot to this day. I went into BfA with turning my Blood Elf into a Void Elf and was so… Disappointed. That everyone just accepted me with open arms and friendliness. Some people were a little on edge at first but after only an hour or two of RP were super friendly and welcoming too. I think I only had 2 or so characters be highly discriminative of my character. RP’ing a void elf was nothing like I was expecting.

As a response to the thread in general:
Sounds like fun stuff, I for my own part still cant quite decide if during these events the whispers that the void elves have are worse than usual or about the same. And in turn, if every race in the game beyond Ren’dorei should have their minds be messed with now. Im trying to personally make up my mind if Anduins vision in the intro cinematic was a targetted attack by N’zoth or just something that everyone can come to endure now. A targetted attack would make sense given his role.


Judging by what Wrathion says as well as the sheer amount of mortal minions N’zoth has, everyone’s at risk for it, and it is already underway. So personally, that’s what I’ll be maintaining. Pepple acting against their usual self, the mad and fragile worsening, a general sense of great unrest.


Should especially be in a place like Stormwind which culturally seems to be praying to the light. They even got a huge cathedral.

Naming their race for “blush’dorei” and half of them being pregnant while also being in a lesbian relationship?

Very true, though it got better over time with less cringe moments, mostly because those who heavily disliked it went /whisper “i ignore you” or just walked away.

Some of them at least, i love characters with great pride + acting and thinking they are above and better even if they might not be.

Yeah and then proceeded to justify it by saying it’s an IC thing called “Perroy Command Unit”. By the way, it was not even PCU people he was saying this to. It was really weirdchamp and i might summon ‘karen, Defender of Shonn’ with this unless she has been muted for telling people to die.

You should try it, maybe even join one of the many great guilds. Loads of fun RP and a good sense of community. Overall the best community i been in for WoW RP (been in 3).

Overall i would say the town crier stuff got better with time, glad to see that some people who was being cringe at first accepted it later on as some proper RP for them to take part in.

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Despite my character trusting void elves for certain reasons in his backstory, I really do agree most of the elves I’ve seen (and honestly, can we talk about how many there are??) just RP them as… completely fine? Where’s the struggle, the temptations of the whispers and so forth… But I hope when I get back to Stormwind that will have changed with 8.3.


Void Elves are such an excellent concept for a race, but have been largely misappropriated for social second life RP and that makes me sad.

Probably because alliance got them instead of High Elves so are just using them as if they were High Elves but blue. Could have done that with Night Elves tbh but here we are.

There is so much depth to plumb to create really interesting RP interactions that is being wasted or misused. Especially with a patch so firmly devoted to the whispers and madness of the void on all of Azeroth, a once in a lifetime opportunity. Use it people! Embrace the madness!


don’t worry, these also fall victim to it. Savage, hardcore wood elves? nah, just prettier, older humans : )

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