The Lion's rest massacre

Thanks, I hate it.


Don’t forget these Voidies calling Guards for “Ra*cism” coming from a paid announcer… As if the Crier is the one who manages the flow of what is said… Probably…

Then the guards come around like:


A velf threatened me once so my dog bit him. People won’t stand up for guards but if a dog is hit oh boy welcome to the end.


In a game you pay for you RP your character anyway you like in my opinion.

That said trying to RP an organisation that has everything from people who wants to deny Velfs DKs etc from entering the Cathedral to those who argue we should care for wounded horde members on the battlefield has taught me one thing.

Some people never forget the display of RP they don’t like.

That’s all fine.

It’s the OOC in /w and sometimes even in /s that is annoying. If you don’t like it just ignore it and move on with your own RP.

A big thumbs up for the people in this tread that tried to bring some color and life to SW RP. I was only able to see a little of it but what I saw was great imo.

P.S. The most frequent /w of late is that we are a PCU guild. I’m sure that’s quite amusing to the people who brought us this fine event.


I main a DK, the whole concept of playing untrustworthy characters seems to be my forte.

And I have to admit, the first void elf I made, is a high elf in character. So there’s that.

But when I made this one, I very much intended to go for the void nature, the maddening whispers and the general stigma against his powers that he will meet.

So far he have been very accepted and haven’t actually met anyone who have been biased against him… Which honestly is kinda sad.
I mean, I obviously don’t want to get shanked to death on first appearance… But a bit of conflict and a sense of danger is always fun to RP… Especially now when I RP something that isn’t undead, and by that comparison very easy to get hurt - even die in worst case scenario


I went in at a void elf knowing well that there will be utter distrust among some particular people. Which I welcome whole heartily, but I know some people who play void elves don’t welcome the whole ‘beat your character up in the middle of a district’ which was never approached about OOC asking said player about it first.

But hearing this ‘The Lion’s rest massacre’ has me interested on what could be further in the RP between void elves and the Alliance, planned or not, it’s well deserved for good role-play.


far as I know it’s just 1 or 2 really obsessive people who think ‘everything i dislike is PCU’ spreading that rumor.

It’s very unfortunate.

it’s a true waste of potential, especially considering the history of velves prior to that. Constant team switching, all that. They’re just fantastic for a bit of drama.

It was very loosely planned.

That is to say, 2 deaths were expected. We got 6 corpses by the end.
Of course, because it included members from a group people don’t like, these weeks of RP with the crier were a ‘ploy’ on an OOC level :^)


I mean Stormwind does have its questionable places. Like the warlock underground thingy at that one tavern. Though that is what it is. A -hidden- place. Away from sight. Stormwind is also a huge civilian hubspot. So yes, I find it very odd when people just run around with their huge void wings in the open.

Never forgetti that one ren’dorei I saw in Stormwind who had the age “teen” set on their TRP. A few weeks later seeing the same ren’dorei in Duskwood in a house guild, proclaiming “I need help with a family curse that makes it impossible for me to get pregnant”. My initial reaction to reading that was “Ok”. After another 5 minutes, I realised that character was, and I quote here, “Falling for” a male character in her guild. I do not know why but this was the most obvious ERP-based character I have ever seen. Despite it having some personality, it was veeeeeeery clear why that character exists.

Though I also met a lot of good ren’dorei roleplayers. Coldshade, my friend that ran around with my goblin and a few others. Though most of them have that stigma that many blood elf roleplayers have too. And we all know which one that is. :eyes:

This sounds honestly like my goblin got more flag running around in Alliance places than you did as a ren’dorei. That’s pretty oof but also expected.

Am not really fond of guilds but atleast I appreciate the effort that they put up.

I have to say that is pretty difficult for most. On my own ren’dorei I use the more subtle approach. Small things. Staring into an empty space for a prolonged time, just looking somewhere and not being distracted anymore by anything else and so forth. For most I imagine it also becomes pretty annoying but then again, why roleplay a ren’dorei if you don’t embrace the whole void thing? Can only recommend people to not just put it away as “haha whispers” but instead either their over all actions are gruesome (or something like that) or just in smaller things like over all behavior. I recommend looking at Sigma from OverWatch. Just for a general example how “more insane stuff” works.

The second my vulpera reaches 110, it’s time to create a church guild where I accept all races, despite their views. Where all can live together and express their views. Horde and Alliance. Not sure which place it will be yet though.


Yeah we know! Also seen you guys be called the german n-word. Which is amusing since that is also what we get called at times. Sad to see, happens to us as well.

Glad you enjoyed what you got to see however!

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First interaction in Stormwind, i am given a free book.

Ending up having a conversation about class… I’m pretty sure if my elf gets punched in the face today it is not because of his Void… But his arrogance

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If it’s who I imagine it is one guy relogging various alts not realising check.pvp exists. He sometimes logs on Horde to sweat it out in trade chat, too

Very weird thing to do IMO ! Maybe they should find a new hobby / a job instead of losing their cool over video game RP communities


It’s still surprising the lengths and effort that some people will go to because their jimmies were rustled for w/e reason. Sad!


Once upon a time…

there was a guy in my guild. Let’s call him Thomas. Thomas got one day offended because another guy took a leading position IC that he wanted to take. It was a vote from guildmembers.

Thomas got friendly with everyone, even the guy that took the position he wanted. He really did some effort to get friendly with basically every member in the guild and any other new arriving one too. Thomas did that for 2 years, until the guildleader decided that he wanted to take a break from WoW. So most people suggested Thomas to replace him.

Thomas took it upon him. So now he did what any reasonable human would do.

He kicked everyone from the guild and as he was asked why he said “because you all didn’t vote for me 2 years ago”.

That dedication is admirable.


That’s an admirable level of headassery.

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I RP Ny on the younger side of elven age as suggested by Blood Elf RPers (95) and she is one who I RP with utter terror at her state of being, the whispers and trying her damnest to overcome her fears and learn how to use her powers, even made a tale of how she was manipulated into joining the expedition with lies and deceit to be used as a test subject.

Apparently a scared and genuinely terrified Void Elf is a oddity.


How do people usually react?

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Her lack of cockiness and genuine fear for her life always catches people off guard. Most are kind to her out of pity and concern. Malric and some Void elves were kind to her.

Some were surprised when she decided (before being convinced otherwise) to flee Stormwind rather then risk dying for a state she never wanted.


Horde calls someone rodents when they have ones in their rank…that’s rich.

You call them Rodents I call them Hunting Game and walking pelts.