Hey everyone,
I’m playing WoW since quite a time now, but never paid that much attention to lore stuff. Now I finished the WC3 - Reforged Campaign and I’m hooked. My question now is, where should I keep going from now?
When I create a new char in Retail WoW my Character starts post-Wotlk and I can’t continue where WC3 left me. So I think playing on a Classic Realm would be the better choice for now, because there the Classic zones pre Cata still exist, and I can enjoy them there. I started playing on a Classic realm but I realized pretty fast that I’m not going anywhere. Almost all interesting questchains end into a Dungeon and in the current state, there is no possible way to find a 5 man group for any Dungeon.
Should I now move to a TBC Realm? Are there enough people to find Dungeon groups while still enjoying the Classic zones? Or should I wait for the fresh Classic Realms? But what if I want to continue with the next expansion after I’m finished? I really don’t know where to start, so maybe somebody here has an idea how to have a good lore experience.
Classic can’t really offer anything you wouldn’t get playing TBC, but the majority of the story from TBC and onward is still present in retail since Outland, Azuremyst or Eversong never got an update. While there are a few vanilla storylines that stand out they’re generally standalone or endgame attunement.
And in vanilla they were mostly on the side of the Alliance anyway, I think…for the Horde there were even fewer and unpolished and the distribution of the zones was even worse which is the reason almost everybody had to quest all around the Barrens for a long time…this is because the Horde side was made only after the Alliance side when they were running out of the time for the release of vanilla WoW, indeed originally Blizzard were planning to make only the Alliance races playable, with the Horde only intended as mobs for Alliance questing, but then later in the development of the game they suddenly changed their minds