The Lost Tribe | Sang'Rohk | Troll/Zandalari/Vulpera RP Guild

I hope everyone is having a pleasant summer! :sunny: :sunglasses: :tropical_drink:

We’re still here, and we’re still recruting! :smiley:
(No, we do not eat our whelps! We eat pie, (sometimes), !) :wink: :kissing_heart: :pie:


My time in this guild has been wonderful; it’s a lovely environment of relaxed and top-quality RP with some amazingly friendly and encouraging people. We’re very tolerant and ever so friendly*!

*except the cannibalism.


I have only good and positive things to say!
The RP is relaxed, small events and spontanious things happen most every Village Night. It’s good fun! Come join us!

We have Pie!


Varm Sands, and Hot Jungles! :sunny: :sunglasses: :tropical_drink:

Our recent event, was a chilling one! Successfully played out, with the good Mons of the Village. :smiley:
A restless Spirit, in need of aid. But, the mystery continues, as the Tribe investigates further. :ghost:

We’re here, if you’re looking for some Wholesome RP, in a relaxed Village setting. :pie: :kissing_heart:


Wholesome. Supremely so. Best place to kind of detox from high-stakes craziness and just enjoy the sound of waterfalls and birds, as well as some of the best Troll RP out there!


Our recruitment is still ongoing! :smiley:
“Tribal” Trolls, Zandalari and Vulpera, are all warmly welcomed among us.

Traders, Warriors, Whelps, the Blind, and Lame and much more; All have a place in the Village of The Sang’Rohk. So, please, do reach out if you’d like to try something different, rather than the stereotypical hero/war/military concepts.

All Tribes are welcome, too, so you don’t need to be a Darkspear exclusively.
We also welcome those of mixed Tribes, or mixed Troll/Zandalari heritage.

And, if you don’t like Pie, our very own Beekeeper makes excellent and tasty Honeycakes! :honey_pot: :pie: :kissing_heart:

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Watch out now, we’re still growing and having fun!
Doing fishing-trips, story-telling and all that good stuff.


We just finished a great event with the spirits, a mystery and investigation! I could tell you about it but…

I guess I’ll leave it a mystery :wink:


You come get the Voodoo… :wink:
We’ve recently completed a two-part Event, in which the Tribe helped a restless spirit seek vengence and find peace. A mystery was solved and a murderer was brought to justice. The haunting has ceased, and life in the Village is returning to normal.

As mentioned before; We welcome Trolls of any Species/Tribe and Vulpera.
We offer wholesome RP, in a ‘Tribal’ Village setting, where everyone can find a place of their own.
We’re friendly, relaxed, helpful and welcoming to Beginners and Veterans alike.
We use our Discord to hang out, coordinate RP and Events, and it’s packed full with info about us.
So, come join the fun! <3

I hope you’re having a pleasant and safe, summer! :sunny: :sunglasses: :tropical_drink:

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Is it hot here, or is it just the roasted elf? I’m putting salt in my chunk, how about you?


Tribe matters not, only your devotion to the Loa and the survival of all trolls!

We have pie! And Feeshing!

Have a pleasant day!


Our recruitment is still ongoing! :smile:
We strive to make sure everyone can find a place of their own.

  • We welcome Trolls of any Species/Tribe and Vulpera.
    – All Tribes, Mixed Tribes and Mixed Troll/Zandalari Heritage.
    – Warriors, Hunters, ‘Farmers’, Fishermons, Wo’mons, Whelps etc.

  • We offer wholesome RP, in a ‘Tribal’ Village setting.
    – Relaxed everyday life-style RP, with the occasional small events.
    – RP Schedule, with Village Nights, for our members convenience.

  • We’re friendly, relaxed, helpful and welcoming to Beginners and Veterans alike.
    – Content days in which folks can relax, or do content, with a clear conscience.
    – Lore Help, T-Mog Help, Quest Help, Dungeon Runs etc.

  • We use our Discord to hang out, coordinate RP and Events; Full with info about us.
    – We have both Guest and Allies ranks, if you’re curious to know more or just want to hang out.
    – We do not use Voice Channels, but communicate through text solely.

So, please, do reach out if you’d like to try something different, rather than the stereotypical hero/war/military concepts. :smiley:


We welcome all trolls and sla- I mean vulpera!


We try to bring to life a small aspect of life within a troll tribe. We accept all living trolls (no DKs IC) and Vulpera are welcome as well thanks to their connection to the zandalari.

We are a safe-haven, for the end times are upon us
Consider yourselves warned (Bumped). :smiley:


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