The slope leading them towards the gates of Zul’Gurub had felt eerily steep and each step felt heavy. But they had continued, as dark clouds gathered above and the rainstorm would soon be upon them. At the top of the slope, the ancient gates loomed above them and they felt a sense of saftey and peace.
The beasts seemed a little wary as they followed the path towards the entrance and soon thunder rumbled in the distance, as the storm drew closer to the city. The small group quietly continued through the passage, and to tired travelers it felt as if it took forever. After they had descended the small stairs, they were finally inside and finally home. And while some things seemed to have stayed the same, great many things were different. The nightly crickets chirped just as usual, but there had been no guards. Even at night the city still stayed awake and very much alive… but now there was nothing but the sounds of the jungle.
They returned to the Hut they had called home; had met no one, and while strange, there was surely an explanation for all of it and the small group made their beds for the night and quickly fell asleep.
The following morning they awoke to nothing but the chirps of birds, the loud and whooping call of the Vale Howlers, and the jungle awakening around them. After a hearty breakfast, the small group set out to find -anyone-, but the city had become what seemed a ghostly immitation of what they’d left behind. The huts were there, all empty, as if no one had ever lived there.
Still, there was no malicious or omnious feeling, as they stood in the warm morning sun. Perhaps the Loa had given them a new start? The small group had long since lost hope in the dream of a new Empire. They looked at eachother and knew that they had a chance to do something different here. Away from the never-ending wars. A village, a home, for all of those wishing to be away from all that the world had to offer.
“Per’aps moah will com’?”
Guild Vision
We would like to provide an additional option, to the ones already available on the Server, and slowly build a small community within the walls of Zul’Gurub. We value quality, before quantity, and consider ourselves an Heavy RP Guild. However, we will welcome beginners and help as much as we can to ensure we all have a good time, and an immersive experience within Zul’Gurub.
Guild Theme
Our theme is that of Casual Village life, within a City, with all that style has to offer. It is a tribal life-style in the damp jungles of the Vale, as the Tribe seeks to avoid the struggles faced by the world beyond the Vale. IC, the Tribe calls itself Sang’Rohk, which can loosely be translated to “Deflecting the Apocalypse”. The “Apocalypse” in this sense, being all the catastrophes constantly plaguing Azeroth.
Our Goals
We aim to have a friendly community, and provide quality RP for our members and an immersive experience without too much conflict, and rather focus on the calm “Campfire RP” setting, whilst using events to now and then spice things up.
Guild Location
While we do not claim the sole rights to Zul’Gurub, we do like the idea of having it to ourselves without having to bother or compete with other guilds using the same location. Thus, we decided that we would make use of an instanced version to enjoy the luxury of having a Zul’Gurub of “our own”.
Character Concepts
We welcome all kinds of concepts. Everything from lowly captives, to proud warriors. If you’d like to role-play a Child, or a Lame/Deformed person; We’re perfectly okey with that!
The Lost Tribe vs Other Guilds
The Lost Tribe is meant to be reclusive and withdrawn from the ongoing events of the world. This means we’ll rarely have contact with other RP guilds; as many have -highly- different themes than us, such as military/war, and we’re not about that. However, as it’s unlikely with the different phase, but possible; We do not reject Guilds (Or Players) that are willing to fit within our storyline and is willing to respect our vision, location and how we Role-Play.
Whisper Yati ingame for more information or an invite to our Discord.
Please keep this thread friendly and clean.
Thank you for reading our post, and have a wonderful day!