The Many Crimes of Tyrande Whisperwind

Arctur calling Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken and Elves friends.

I just want to make sure people see that.


Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

But what does a goat know. Go back to being material for a highway or something.

Ah, yes. I felt like addressing you in any way, shape or form was a mistake.


“I see through the lies of Arctur”

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The truth hurts? Face it, Goat people are useless. They have literally done anything in this expansion. It takes a Human for them to even be relevant in Stromgarde.

Arctur’s credibility:


Tyrande is Sylvanus confirmed.

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So we have a traitor in our ranks. How dare you’re to call yourself a member of the alliance?


Whatever dude, I’m not the one channelling Void powers.

Neither I do. What’s your point, traitor?


How can you blame a trophy wife for doing what she is told?


It’s a trap, we all know it. He has done nothing to deserve our trust.

He just dreams to see Andun killed and rised by the BansheQueen it seams. Or he just afraid that this is possible, so he agrees on any union with the Horde. :laughing:


Vindicator Moburon does not speak for the alliance or the draenei may the prophet light your way in this dire times of traitor paladins

Don’t argue with that poster, by any means - that post is the shining example of double standarts.
when I was previosly arguing with him/her about trolls defending their territories, the fact they were doing it the violent way was justification for repelling them from their lands, but here Nelves are rigteous and innocent for defending their lands.


I never argued that. You are lying again. If you are going to perform character asassination, at least use thing that have really happened.


You’re the one who is lying. Otherwise what were those endless argues over Frostmane whelpes which you tried to justify “because trolls aren’t so innocent”. So please spare your breath. I don’t need anymore evidence.

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So the fact that we argued about a completely different topic proves I argued the Alliance was justified in removing the trolls because they were violently defending their lands? Is this seriously how you think? But please, provide a single citation of me saying so, if you are so confident.

Sure, if you want me to have argued that, then any evidence, no matter how lackluster, would suffice for you.

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Typical Alliance trying to stamp out any dissenting opinions and oppress the free speech of their people.

Truly the Horde is the Faction of Freedom.


Am I a “typical Alliance” too? :broken_heart:

With love,

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