The MMR gain/loss is too large in blitz - results in too large skill differences which cause frustrations

2600 and 1600 CR players should not end up in the same lobby, change my mind.


Ofc they should never be in the same lobby but blizz wouldn’t be blizz if they don’t create dumb system like this every now and then and then support it for a very long time.

mostlikely duo que.

yeah that’s the biggest problem. When i play my main at 2800 cr, 3k mmr i often see 1-3 players from 1700 cr who are doing very poorly and having little idea what to do which often results into bad games. Meanwhile when i play my hunter in green gear, which i created 3 weeks ago and never played hunter before i often get matched into 2800+ mmr games just because i got lucky to win 2-3 games in a row. People often flaming me for doing low dps while i can’t even understand what iam doing at this mmr with my new class lel

Mmr is broken i got 2 chars stuck at 1.400 mmr
And this one got somehow a winstreak in the right moment and i was at 3 k mmr
I got another 6 wins and end up at 3500mmr

Btw. I was 1600cr wenn my mmr start too skyrock and hit 2k cr

Lucky i dropt a view games and play know at 2900- 3k mmr

I have zero clue from tactics or my roll, i am pretty good at my specc and i can do very good HPS but thats it
So i run in fight and heal best i can

Eaven IF WE WIN i get spam flamed and reported not playing there tactics
from some swety tryhards with no live then rbgblitz, what a punch off loosers

I’d be pissed too, not gonna lie, next time actually take the investment to fully gear your alts before going to a mode that is over-inflated MMR wise.

Indeed, shouldn’t be the case tbh.