The most obvious spec that's not in the game - earthen tank shaman

Not having an earthen shaman tank is like not having holy for priest; it’s the core of the class.
Earth is tanky, steadfast, etc., obviously a tank roll, even tho I wouldn’t mind a heavy hitting DPS too with a 2h. But how is it not an available spec? 1 more option for tanking would be amazing too. I see no reason to not have it. You can have it as a DPS spec and then 1 talent choice makes it a tank spec, like Mistweaver becomes Fistweaver through 1 talent choice. It can be called Way of Earth like in SoD and it just reduces dmg done and taken, increases threat and maybe changes some of your abilities slightly. Fuark would this be cool.
I know all specs use all elements, but it is kinda like mage, fire mage uses frost nova despite being called fire. If we look at shaman core abilities and class hall mounts it’s very obvious that enhance is air, resto is water, and ele is fire.

Wurr is muh earthy tankin spec blazurd?? God dammit!


Forget about it.

Blizzard barely manages with the 3 specs we already have.

To be more specific, Blizzard literally did not care about shamans for a whole expansion.

And you want them to add a tanking spec? NAH… Forget about it.

First they have to rework shaman as a whole. And then, maybe… just maybe if they show a bit of attention then we can talk about a tanking spec.

Until then, if you want to tank with a shaman go play SoD. Leave retail as it is.

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what a depressing reply! I don’t think any of that was valid and will keep hoping they make something cool along these lines, they do have the power to without a doubt, it’s an obvious path, they just need to green light the idea.

Well if they green light it you will get a bunch of shaman enjoyers angry. Not at you. At Blizzard in general.

Starting with me. I want attention to my existing spec. Not to be left in the side-curve in favor of a tanking spec.

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