Exactly. In Classic (and least parts of BC and WOTLK) you felt like an adventurer. Now you feel like a misplaced object in a wannabe epic fantasy HBO miniseries.
Though personally I do not mind the major lore characters taking the charge in the story. I prefer to stay small. It is just the story that is bad.
Hm this seems interesting to take a Break from Before the Storm (Yes, Haiete still looking)
as for the patch this Wednesday.
-Blizzard will Throw the Faction war out of the Window without in proper resolution to it.
-Then have us focus on the -Battle for Azeroth-
Followed by small hints or a giant one for 8.3
which we’ll get more details about for Blizzcon.
followed by a reveal for the next expansion which 8.3 will tie into.
Or If Blizzard really want to show us how bad they’ve become no 8.3 and we just more on to the next Expansion to deal with the released N’zoth.
and the Entity of death that’s backing Sylvanas to the degree it has wraiths of the Shadow Realm attack Vol’jin, and Baine’s City.
or to silence anyone looking for the Truth.
then we’ll have an expansion focused around Death in the lines of a Diablo inspired story.
Oh Also Sylvanas will have a Vrykul army or ghost army/Undead Army.
IIRC the last instalment of the war campaign came all at once with no time-gating, so it’s quite possible that it will be the same this time
This is probably the most apt description of how it feels to me to date.
Usually when I play I turn the game sound off and play with a youtube video in the background with a podcast or one of those ‘[game] the movie’ videos where it’s all of the cutscenes strung together, and the other day I decided to stick the one for BFA on in the background. When I was tabbed out waiting for dungeons or whatever, I realised that watching the cinematics back-to-back was actually somewhat entertaining in that brain-turned-off sense, but the problem is that the actual story has been completely gimped for that purpose.
It’s almost like a summer blockbuster movie plot that comes at the expense of the game’s setting