The Negativity Thread

I’m trying to think about similar tropes regarding Horde RP but at this point in time, there aren’t really any. One advantage of having so few casual Horde roleplayers is that there’s not much “server lore.”

The Horde doesn’t have a hub for over-compensating dracthyr suffering from gigantism, or a harbour where people stand around and advertise their desire for smut, or an expansive graveyard that serves a make-out spot, or inns that are known for being staffed by monstrous and inhuman beings. Horde RP is so guild-based and fragmented that there’s not enough for it in public places for people to make stereotypes about it.

The closest that you’ll get is characters who irrationally dislike vulpera (because their players dislike vulpera because of the shenanigans some vulpera players are known for), the common occurrence of brawls outside the Wyvern’s Tail and the Silvermoon Bazaar’s reputation as being the Horde’s cheap, sparsely populated equivalent of Goldshire. I’m not even sure if that last one is the case any more.




We need a daring group of Horde ‘NEUTRAL RPER’ smugglers to come in and kidnap some of these Goldshire/harbour whackos and dump them into Silvermoon or something. Tbh it sounds like a perfect job for a certain Vulpera caravan. Boom, problem solved.

I’m putting a team together. We’re repopulating horde. One STD at a time.

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After seeing so much of the Stranglethorn Vale beach party where people’ve been shortening it to just STV, I fully misread STD as Stranglethorn Dave and now I must make a new pirate with that name.

Or not I already have too many characters and even a joke character is probably too much to add onto that.

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all characters are joke characters, this is the warcraft setting


No way. In 2024? I’m going to need proof. Because every single person with a typo is quote unquote dyslexic nowadays.

Also have you noticed how the edgy overpowered characters haven’t changed since 2007? It’s really bizarre. Like, it’s still the poor grammar + red TRP text + several titles + growth pots (unless they’re a female character) + DMC transmog. Either these are 30 year olds playing the same game doing the same roleplay they were doing at 20 or we’re getting an influx of new RPers that do the exact same things their predecessors did and that doesn’t really makes sense since WoW hasn’t had a new player since Legion.

sory english not my first language i am svedish :slight_smile:


Ice-skating uphill.

I’m not native either but I take the time to comprehend the language I’m trying to post in. DAMN.

And, yeah. It’s all the same. 30+, 40+, old-heads without any shame.
I don’t mind the several titles, I don’t mind the references, the transmog, I don’t care. The Growth pots? The incomprehensible eastern european techno-babble? Slavs will go through the sisyphean task of scrounging together a working pc in their backwards country and forego basic language classes.

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Once upon a time, when some coherent sense of a wider community existed upon AD, it was more logical to demonise bubble RP; because in such a time, it meant a true isolation from all goings-on in the server and desire to only focus inward, it was an inherently self-destructive form of RP. Most notably, it was usually done by those to whom Azeroth was simply an online platform, and not its own living breathing world, but the tables of the situation have bizarrely turned now.

The general RPer of Stormwind/insert other locations, tends to care little for the setting, its lore, and has only a minor grasp of the basic summarised pieces of important lore. This is a nuanced problem, of course, arguably propogated by Blizzard themselves not deigning to keep an archive on their own website, forcing people to rely solely and entirely upon 3rd parties if they’re new and want to understand/know previous lore without having to invest 100’s of hours into previous expansions.

Enter modern Bubble RP: an attempt by groups to try and isolate away from the general experience which is now filled with D&D Character Concepts forced into the setting with no heed for how well they fit/don’t fit and to try to avoid the Azeroth-As-An-Online-Platform situation that is now so rife in RP. On one hand this is a tragedy, and a far cry from where we used to be as a server where, despite our disagreements, communities could come together in the several-hundreds for server-wide campaigns - a now dead concept. On the other hand, there’s no other solution for people who want to try and maintain a maximised sense of immersion within the actual Setting of Azeroth that the game World of Warcraft takes place in.


Call Goldshire rpers what you want, at least they have more consistency and commitment to the theme they are engaging in. Not to mention they seem to universally be overall better at writing than the slopfest your hub second life players generate rubbing two popular memes together or whatever talking points they get off twitter can pump out.

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I’m speaking english because it’s the only language you know.
You speak english because it’s the only language you know.
We are not the same.


f*** you. I can spell.

Funnily enough as a swedish person, most tend to be pretty good at english, atleast when it comes to writing. We’re taught it as mandatory in schools from first grade up until we graduate, and it is a prime subject you need to know to pass.

That said, typos can still happen and I absolutely spell things wrong alot.

But yeah, I don’t really like to bother people about their spelling if I can understand it, since you never know what might be the reason or how confident the person is. But there are times when it does feel like it’s sort of obvious laziness.

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There’s also the fact your tv airs stuff in English so there’s a lot of familiarity with the language. I’d say Swedes are among some of the best English speakers in Europe, a lot of you people sound like native speakers.

I’m normally not too bothered by bad grammar that much but typing everything out in lowercase as if you’re bonkposting on the forums kinda triggers me and makes me treat the other person roleplaying a lot less seriously since that does have to be laziness.


Swedes stand out to me as having idiomatic-looking English.

t. a filthy Br*ton.

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I am Kuwei and I approve this post.

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Incredibly powerful post I like it a lot.
Especially that Goldshire paragraph really strikes a chord with a frustration I’ve had for a long time, people taking these absolute dregs seriously, entertaining the sludge of “roleplay” that takes place there as something worth canonizing, something worth considering in this writing hobby.


You guys are doing a great job at convincing me not to return even if I was unemployed for a decade.

Unfortunately this positive outcome defeats the purpose of the negativity thread and thus must commit sudoku for my transgression.

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I think the shift gained a lot of traction during Shadowlands where people adopted the destructive mindset of “Blizzard doesn’t follow their own lore so neither should I” and did away with the pretense of adhering to the wider setting.


The eternal Anglo observes our every move.

Between Goldshire and the Docks, I go mad every time I’m told IC to avoid those spots.

It’s a mining town and the most important point for merchants and travelers. Why do we avoid it? Why do you emote the floor as sticky?