The new gilneas 'mog'

Well to be clear, the art of the mog is wonderful as usual from the WoW artists. I just don’t like it. No need to insults the artists.


I think it looks like that, because heritage armor is supposed to the “prestige wear of that race”, just like with so many other heritage sets.

But yeah… this one isn’t exactly good either :sweat_smile:

Gilnean players want something that looks a bit more… “Bri’ish ain’it” gothic style, out of a Edwan Van Po poem…

And this set, just like the previous one, is VERY “extravagant”. :joy:


It is pretty meh, but then again i don’t find alot if anything asthetically pleasing on worgen. Most of my alts are human or elf just because the sets look better on them. Suprisingly my main is a LF draenei and I ignore the hooves! I have a prot pally human alt simply because the draenei looks silly with most shields lol
I do think certain races should have mogs to fit the character model. I rolled a worgen warlock at one point and paid for a race change cause it looked stupid in all mogs…

Then wear the heck that you want tbh :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I’ve seen people shopping at ASDA with a Judogi or a pikachu onesie… suit and tie and white socks… green trousers, yellow shoes and pink t shirt…

idk the head slot looks top and the shoulders are unique enough in their style, though I am not sure they would work well without huge cape attached to them. its lacking a richmon cape.

I have absolutely no clue what that reply is supposed to be. :joy: Are you sure you replied to the right person.

My best guess is that you were offended over me not liking the new set… But then why solo me out, and not the OP? :laughing:

Wow… That looks horrendous and lazy :nauseated_face:

Worgen are kind of weird. Their heritage is Victorian England suits and tophats, but their present is being werewolves.

As an artist, how do you deal with that?

I agree this isn’t a particularly good transmog, but what would you have made? Described in words.

I think probably because the mog you would get as close as possible as the British style you would find it in classic wow.

Just look at the game Bloodborne.

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I don’t see how that helps? It’s a completely different style, deliberately. Completely different fantasy universes. And you still won’t address the werewolf problem.

A handful of these sets are more fitting for a worgen:

Heck, the current worgen set isn’t even fitting in.

I am not visiting Fextralife. They are frauds.

We agree that the current mogs don’t address the werewolf problem. We’re trying to find an improvement here. I don’t think Bloodborne’s mogs would be an improvement on WoW’s because it’s WoW.

As an artist you should know that you are taking inspiration and not copying 1:1 lmao
And yes, taking inspiration from some of the Bloodborne sets would be a good outcome for the worgen.

Now we just have a two clown suits for our wolves.

could not have said it better

saying “thanks for coming to my ted talk” is the equivalent to tipping your fedora hat, its cringe please stop

This really lacks passion.

They could have had a community design contest for it.


Its not?
You cant possibly look at this armor and say that it looks good…

It is literally painted on their bodies… it has no depth.

It is giving 1980s New Romantic vibes…

I would of preferred 1880s Old Victorian vibes!

(oh, but the mount is very nice so there is that!)

I think we have very different ideas on what “British style” is. :joy::joy:

Also on a different note, I DID say:

If you want an example, look at what King Greymane is wearing… HIS is “old gothic British styled”.

Try Googling it, and you’ll see it has nothing to do with the mogs found in Classic. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In fact, it’s “similar” to what is seen in Boralus. One of the later expansions. :wink: Or better yet if you hate Googling… Actually play the Worgen intro in Gilneas, so you can see it firsthand. :point_left:

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