simple example, the 10 odds of wax from ringing deeps, dont tell me u have falcon eyes and during fast flight u can spot them, everytime i have this quest i switch manually (BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE THE OPTION TO SET A MOUNT FOR CERTAIN TYPE OF FLIGHT) the flight style so i fly slowly and spot each one, after 10mins or so im done.
How many times i’ve lost count where i wanted to fly around without having to click “SWITCH FLIGHTSTYLE” everysingle time, for w/e reason, this mount shouldnt have dynamic flight, or at least they should add options to set a mount to each flight style
Dynamic flight you can also fly slow, it’s not like you are forced to mash the speed buttons constantly while using it.
There’s even a slow down button if you find it difficult to adjust the speed.
but can u go up down whereveer u want/move 2 inches without losing speed momentum and eventually landing? thats why i had suggested to be able to set which mount we want with old speed/dynamic speed