The new peacock mount having a steady flight only is benefitial to all and i will explain why

simple example, the 10 odds of wax from ringing deeps, dont tell me u have falcon eyes and during fast flight u can spot them, everytime i have this quest i switch manually (BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE THE OPTION TO SET A MOUNT FOR CERTAIN TYPE OF FLIGHT) the flight style so i fly slowly and spot each one, after 10mins or so im done.

How many times i’ve lost count where i wanted to fly around without having to click “SWITCH FLIGHTSTYLE” everysingle time, for w/e reason, this mount shouldnt have dynamic flight, or at least they should add options to set a mount to each flight style

I haven’t tried it yet, but according to Icy Veins and Wowhead they’ve hot fixed it yesterday and it’s able to skyride :frowning_face:

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Unfortunately even if you have a steady flight only mount, if you don’t have steady flight enabled it just acts as a ground mount.

I mean, they glow purple and are pretty easy to spot going max speed.

Brilliant Sunburst Peafowl can now Skyride.

Hotfix from January 3rd :stuck_out_tongue:

actually nerfed lmao

Thats not a nerf, its a fix / buff. It had one speed, now it can zoom zoom - in what world is that a nerf?

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At 60ms latency they’re not. Even ore deposits appear on both the map and the minimap almost after I’ve surged past them.

Dynamic flight you can also fly slow, it’s not like you are forced to mash the speed buttons constantly while using it.
There’s even a slow down button if you find it difficult to adjust the speed.

but can u go up down whereveer u want/move 2 inches without losing speed momentum and eventually landing? thats why i had suggested to be able to set which mount we want with old speed/dynamic speed

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