The new pvp damage reduction feels awful

You do no dmg and healers outheal everyone. dumb change, please revert

i read somewhere that it was a 30% dmg reduction blanket.
this true?
might need to dump that down to 20% or even 15%.

Feels about 50% to me, SP void plague ticks for 150ish, ele shaman lava burst crit for 700, mutilate hit for 130 (lol) on a moonkin etc. All the while people have 5k+ HP in BGs and healers heal for 2k/cast.

20-30% would be more reasonable indeed.

based on those numbers it sounds more like a 70-80% reduction… are you actually serious or are you exaggerating?

Indeed I am, void plague used to tick for 300-350 noncrit, so 150 would be about 50-60%

yooooooooo if true that’s insane.

You are all simply upset that you can’t burst anyone anymore… You got used to it now, so anything else feels bad.

I love the fact that healers are now viable…

Keep this change!

better yet, attach these values to the pvp gear instead of blanket so we won’t have people running irradiated gear (or other similar sets of pve gear) in pvp without having the disadvantage of turning into glass.

3 set: +10% PLAYER dmg reduction + 2% less chance to be crit.
5 set: +10% PLAYER dmg reduction + 3% less chance to be crit.

for a total of 20% dmg reduction and 5% less chance to be crit.

pvp is saved and the world can celebrate
…and the tanks wont use pvp gear to cheese pve mitigation, maybe except for the 5% less chance to get crit, which is totally fine if they dedicate a full set of gearing towards getting that trait.

AHAHAHA i laugh at this changes. I seriously do think that devs have no clue what they are doing. My sp runs out of mana before i can kill a hp buffed warrior now XD

There’s a fine line between viable and able to outheal 3-4 dps worth of damage, though. As an long time non-teen I welcome slower kill times too, but healing need to be reduced for it to be fair.

I would agree if it also went to emerald set for those who don’t like honor farming to be more fair.

It’s a 50% dmg nerf it seems. Which is fine, I guess.
However as long as we have 0-100% heals in the game the scale simply just tipped to the other side.

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hard disagree on the emerald gear getting any buffs.
those items have no right to exist even in their current form.

why? because its literally free gear and its almost as good as the gear you get for slogging through months of rank farm.

its undeserved, lazy and it takes “catchup” to a new level of ridiculousness. it also has the negative effect of making actual pvp players go “lol screw this, im done”.

its not always a good thing that casual joe gets free, effortless access to stuff other people worked hard to get.

Do phase one all over again , no point going pvp as melee again! Kek