Going by the line of release I would say the next two races to get their heritage armor sets would be the Trolls and the Draenei. What do you think will these look like? Leave your ideas in the comments below. I am curious to see the ideas from the community.
A shamanistic set in the style of their totems for draenei… and beggars’ rags for trolls. Why? Alliance bias, of course!
Something something something Alliance bias. Something something delete Alliance blah blah blah…
Troll one will probably involve Vol’jin’s return.
Draenei one may involve some future plot with or against Yrel.
It would be nice if trolls got themselves some high ress Voodoo mask and armour to go with it. The ones we have now are either too old to look good or too much zandalari like to fit Darkspears.
But Draenei? They can’t possibly get another plate armour with purple gems, there are plenty of those already. At the same time that’s their most iconic style. If not armour+gems than what? Rangarii rags with some cool helm/mask (Predator style) could be one option or maybe ornate robes with crystal naaru-like back piece and plenty of purple crystals.
Given how questionable the worgen quest line ended up being, what is even the role of those “heritage” quests?
IMO before doing anything the devs would need to consider what exactly is the point to begin with. After that thing is clear for them and the players, then options can be considered.
When it comes to trolls, the question of what they should look like IMO would come from the question if this is supposed to be something Darkspear specific, or to be sort of “unify all trolls” idea (leaving aside how to make frost trolls from the heart of the alliance territories join in, what to do with the ex-scourge / atal’ai undead ones, and if blood trolls, which are as anti-horde as ever, would make even a shadow of sense to join).
With the draenei I have 0 expectations because the current dev team has no idea whatsoever what the race is, and the way they act and behave lately is far from TBC origins. So, it could be any random thing, but likely naaru-light themed.
There is a potential for a good development if suddenly the devs would remember about arcane origins of the race and how in-tune they were with their world soul, but that would render Magni far less relevant in the titan-related story. It could also be a beginning for more faction specific way to tell the Azeroth story, but not sure how capable the devs are to deliver on that.
So, yeah. Possibilities are there, but having low expectation is advised IMO.
gl hf
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