The next patch has been leaked

I misinterpreted your comment then.
I can’t take back what I said (well, I could, but editing those posts would be wrong imo; I made a mistake and must own up to it). So I offer my sincere apologies.

You are completely right in your assessment of world content and it’s one of the things I would very much like to see change. World content just deserves to be so much more.

Well, I’m speaking more about other types of changes.
No endless grind for instance. For players like me who enjoy world content an endless grind is nice. It gives a sense of accomplishment for every little bit you do.

And that’s just 1 thing. But it’s little thing stacked onto another little thing stacked onto more little things and what you’re left with is Shadowland’s world content: Not fun, not enough, not enough variety, progression just stops, nothing feels rewarding anymore.

I get that. But I fundamentally disagree with the notion of removing stuff.
Because I simply don’t have a mindset where I believe getting stuff in a game somehow gives me prestige or makes me better than someone else. I abhor that way of thinking.

I believe that everyone in a game should get to look how they want - not for ‘free’, it should require work. It’s all about ‘the look’ that you want to achieve for your character and removing content like that keeps players from doing that. The mage tower could have been great content to keep farming if they added in a low droprate. The pandaren legendary questline would still be cool to do. The reward would now simply be a look. Not even a very good look with all the cool non-cloak back options we’re getting nowadays. So what’s the harm in adding that questline back in so players who didn’t do that content, can now do that content. Etc.

I also believe that removing content is bad when it comes to context and the original flow of the game. Suddenly a piece is just missing. This is bad and feels jarring.

It’s a copy/paste from the US forums (the top popular link at the bottom of the post). As is the norm with these things there’s no reference to any source.

playable cat girl race to horde then playable bunny girl race to alliance in 10.0.0

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