The Northlands Discord
Simply put, the Northlands Discord is an IC-Forum based server focused on the Alliance RP in the North. There’s a lot of roleplay that takes place beyond the Thandol Span, and hopefully, this can be used as an avenue to aid in spreading such.
We’re focused on the regions beyond the Span, which often have been staging grounds for some gruelling RP; Alterac, Lordaeron, Stromgarde, Gilneas/Silverpine etc.
If you’ve got a fondness for writing or have written; stories, conceptual work, by all means, go for it! Does your character have some lost family home, or comes from a forgotten village that you want to share? Go for it.
Above all else, word flies across the Lorn Kingdoms, from letters to noticeboards. Initiative is cool.
With recent changes, there’s been additions to the fold being High Elves, and the Dwarves for Alliance. And also I’ve decided to open up ranks to the Horde aswell, more specifically being the Forsaken, Orcs and Sin’dorei.
- Rules
Blow the oboe of OOC shenanigans elsewhere, keep the discord chill, and focus on the RP.
There’s minimal OOC text channels. General chat, rp-screenshots and linking AA/forum posts. So really, it’s not to be some OOC fun social hub, just a place to share stories. So out-char RP politics genuinely is blindingly boring to hear.
- Advertising & Guilds
If you want to advertise your guild, an event etc, you may. Same goes for ranks, right now they’re solely based on the character’s birthplace or affiliation.
- Events
Whilst I don’t anticipate RPers will be going out of their way to DM or drive ten leagues of novella into an evening. Gatherings, feasts, war-planning etc seem the more likely to come from it/Awareness of the spontaneous happenings across the realms.
Anyways, have a good Christmas and new year