The NPC is missing


The NPC in game is missing. Did any had this issue before? I am trying to do the alchemy questline in Legion and need to deliver the quest item to the Inscription trainer Professor Pallin, but he is not there.

The quest name is “There’s a Scribe for That”, checked all info available, but haven’t seen anyone had troubles with it, yet. It’s just a simple quest, but no NPC. Tried to go there with other character also can’t see him. Asked few people around they can’t see him neither. And that is the inscription trainer he shouldn’t go anywhere.

Interesting thing is that I can I see him in WotkL, but can’t handle the quest there.

Did anyone had similar issues before? It’s really annoying because it is the part of the profession questline, where I can’t learn the recipes further if I can’t complete it.

The amount of crap i keep hearing about this game is not even funny anymore. Really.

Dumb question now. Going to the right place?

Yes, but gladly solved the issue with friend who changed my realm and he was there. When I left the party and got back on my realm, he was missing again.

This is a Legion quest.
Are you sure you went to the correct Dalaran?
Just double checking here.

Ive done that one. That is cringe when you figure it out.

Call tech support: " I cant connet to the internet and i dont know whats wrong."

Tech support :" Mam, is the cable plugged in?"

Tech support: “Mam?”


Actually happened when I worked as tech support :rofl:

Same here. That was my first tech job and we had to follow best practices and “the script”.

Tech support is this. What is the most likely, easy, cause of the issue and start with that. Only afer exploring the easy crap does any time at all need to be devoted to other possible causes that are harder to deal with.

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