The Old Grudge is actively recruiting players.
The Old Grudge has a wide and active membership from M+ pumpers to those that want to raid casually, to those just interested in world content.
The guild recently defeated Ansurek on HC.
First and foremost The Old Grudge is a guild for older players, originally a 25+ guild, we now accept 18+ players. The guild has been around since vanilla with some of us members since then!
We are currently setting up a slow and easy raid group (Easy Riders) in the guild to supplement the fast and furious raid group that we currently have (Please Release).
We are particularly interested in players that want to raid, but currently don’t. Those that don’t mind a slower HC progression. But importantly it is for those that just want to hang out, have fun and kill some bosses!
Currently planning just 1 raid night at the moment on Monday, 20:30 server time start.
If you are interested DM me on Discord for more details, or you can just apply through the Guild Finder in game. Search for “The Old Grudge”
Discord: Ezzergeezer