The only reason for Shadowlands World Bosses is to help the Weekly Anima Quest

and as a result we get insanely laggy world servers which spoil the enjoyment for the game for anyone in the zone.

For what? 250 Anima. Yes anima is nice to collect. I’m sure many of my forum friends will remember I am an avid anima collector.

But the point of World Bosses in the past has for the chance of receiving loot, which is nice when you are gear up a new toon.

But that doesn’t happen. I run these World Bosses every week on 5 toons. It has been months since any of my toons have seen a drop (whether its a gearing toon or on a well geared toon). The drops are just too rare!

And the conduits and legendaries memories are just so pointless already, they might as well just be put somewhere else.

The rewards are not worth the insane server lag from doing it. The fight itself becomes so laggy, that you can’t enjoy doing it.

Just replace them with an Epic quest that rewards the same anima


Whilst my Mage did get a small cloak upgrade today, I do agree there should be more on the world boss loot tables. Even if it is just some fun items to use in game… It’s generally just anima and gold… a bit boring.

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6 characters a week since launch, 80ish gold every character with no items, good system

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It’s not even about being an upgrade though. Sometimes it’s just nice to see that little bit of Purple flash up on your screen, even if you already know it’s just going to get Vendored or DE’d.

I remember killing a WB in BFA and got a drop, not realising it was the last piece that I needed for a Uldir normal transmog set, didn’t even know it was a thing, completely made my day.

And not forgetting the experience is so laggy, it’s impossible to actually enjoy the fight itself.

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Leave my 250 anima alone! :open_mouth:

Not experienced this (server) lag it supposedly causes. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen for you, but it doesn’t seem to be a global phenomenon.

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Lucky you! I had to give up on leveling my hunter once when wb was in maldraxxus, it was horrendous :sweat_smile: but guess it depends on what server the raids zone into. Sometimes its horrible, others its not so bad.

I miss MoP world bosses.
Good loot, mounts, and non-laggy servers. (lag existed of course, but not to the extent of todays standard)
Kazzak from WoD was pretty rewarding also.
Legions fulfilled their role.

But BFA and SL are completely forgettable, even on alts that need loot I forget about them.

I thought they existed so you have to wait 4 weeks for your ele shaman BiS legendary?


Agree they don’t drop enough. 207 is not significant gear anyway, just let people actually, you know… get some.

Stopped bothering with my alts because they never got anything and they can generate 1000 anime from the mission table.

Still waiting on my mount from Sha of Anger :frowning:

Admittedly I stopped trying after about 20 or so shots.

Don’t quit now! you’re almost there! few hundred more kills and you’ll be in the statistically likely zone. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now that N’zoth invasions have gone I am no longer reminded… used to get to Vale via monk class hall -> peak of serenity and stop off along the way :joy_cat:

Once you have any Memories off WB’s, the items they may drop are barely worth the effort if you have regularly scheduled Raiding on your agenda; they’re great to try for, if you’re NOT a Raider, but they aren’t that abundant that “Gold as an option” is worth it; you can get waaaay more from Callings.

They’re still around… did one the other day, for S&G. Still got Chest keys & fragments I need to get rid of on some of my alt’s…

That’s your hardware or connection… yeah, even a decent system can be affected a bit, but despite what many would have us believe, WoW “needs more than a potato” if you want a meaningful experience from anything you play.

Ok, but point is, I don’t really have a reason to do them :slight_smile:

That’s a different issue entirely; most L60’s don’t, either,

I get loot from them all the time. It’s only vendor trash obviously though.

Group wide d/e used to be a god-send… dunno if ever applied to Raids, but I remember it in Dg. Groups.

Yes? and your point is?

I am grateful for that anima, every little helps as they say.

Think I’m up to 600 or something.