The Pet Build Problem... and my solution for it!

Hi there,

lets just start with the bad part… ^^``

as many of you guys know, the Pet Build → Storm, Earth & Fire–> Xuen–> Hero Talent Tree: Conduit of the Celestials–> seems to be the only go to… since we cant choose anymore between Serenity and SEF, and the Shado Pan Tree got no love at all.

It kindof feels like we have become a Pokemon-Trainer, relying on all our Pets and Spirits… Well, on one hand, it sounds really cool and I can see the fantasy… Blizzard´s vision of monks maybe comes from D3… and there you also play a lot with your Spirits.

But on the other hand, if you play PvP… its another story… having those Pets (multiple Xuens) and Spirits feels terrible, cause they get CC´d so easy! Sure… that is true for all Pet Classes… But from a monk perspective, its really way worse! Pressing SEF splits your whole DMG into 3 Units… Getting feared usually u can get dispelled or Trinket out of it… but in our case, its only us getting out of the CC and our Spirits have 66% of our DMG in them… you have to instantly cancel your only Burst CD to do dmg again… That feels terrible!
Its not like any other DPS who can just continue DPSing…for example, even if you fear a Gargoyle from a Unholy DK or Root A Demo Lock Pet… they can just continue and lose only a few % of DMG, not 66% + they dont have to cancel their Burst.

Well, in the end I hear a lot of ppl complaining about that peticular Problem… but only on the PvP Side of things… → thats what I love the most. On the PvE Side of things it can be a really fun to summon all your Stuff… and I actually think its cool to have that option, its something new for Monk.

Just feels bad being forced into SEF for most ppl… would love if Blizzard would add Serenity ( Change the whole effect of this CD, I dont care ) or Weapons of Order for WW as a choicenote.

Well… enough rant from my side…

Here is my solution:


A shame that I cant put a Screenshot in here…

Hopefully one of those u can open…

Basically…, I dont really care about the Meta anymore… I had a blast playing and grinding the last few Years… got at least 2,5k Rating on my Monk… And I will always love playing that class, it suits my class fantasy the most.

My personal solution is playing without Xuen, without SEF… I wanna play a Monk that is self reliant… only me and my Mind… my Body…my fists and legs…
So I chose investing Talentpoints into Tigerpalm and Strike of the Windlord… the left and the right side of the Tree… And I gotta say… I love it that you dont HAVE to choose the ´´Main`` DPS Spells in the middle of the Tree… you can play around! Have to say that, I think thats awsome!

Sure, the build might be a little worst in M+ Keys than others, and also in PvP I wont have a burst… but thats okay for me! I like the consitant DMG Style… esp as a Monk… Thats one true essencial points for them in my opinion… Consistency… :slight_smile:

In the End im really happy with my monk! You gotta create your own build and fantasy!

Ill play shadopan and just take flurry stikes as a random DPS Proc… Im sure they will rework that tree since noone will gonna play it. :slight_smile:

Stay positive and stay true to yourselfes!

In Love - Etzu -

I think Shado-pan hero tree was supposed to acomplish what you are asking, and while I love the theme, it is overall not a good or intuituvely designed tree and lacks that oomph that CoC has.

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Well, a few hours a go it got a solid buff tho, I like it the way it is now! much better! Now it only takes exactly 5 Tigerpalms if we dont take the Energy talentpoint. :slight_smile:

Looking forwart to it!

I would only love the general cost change of Tigerpalm to be 50 Energy baseline and with the Talent 40 Energy or even 30 with a DMG decrease of 30% aswell… but that way Darting Hurricane would be a viable talent and we were able to Spam Tigerpalm smoothly. That would be awsome gameplay wise!

Btw, was reading trough the official 11.02. Patch notes which go live on 13th august and found this gem:


  • Rising Sun Kick damage is no longer reduced by 9% in PvP combat.

  • Storm, Earth, and Fire clones are now immune to all crowd control and their movement speed has been increased by 20%.

Fantastic change.


Yes, thats really great, love it! :smiley: Thanks for sharing!

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