The phasing system in WPVP is a complete insulting disgrace

There is nothing constructive about this post at all

I hate phasing and other craps.

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I donā€™t see the problem.

When Iā€™m not sharded with my realm and left to sit in stealth in Rustbolt and get ganked cause of the 40+ man gank squad from 100x realms which isnt even an rp realm, then yes.

All forms of sharding/phasing is stupid and would be better off gone than be left with a messy low budget warmode. The sliver of nzoth is the only way to create fun w-pvp due to the faction imbalancing in most shards and even then that is very short lived too.


Any screenshots of 40+ from 100 realms on a regular basis?

What are you talking about? Server community?
You never encouraged anything on your server but did nothing but phase over to other servers for your lag fest of a PVP battle

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and u still are sucking blizzards d!ck on this dead forum vaeyn, what a shame


/10 chars

That tends to be what happens when you try to mix pvp and pve servers, the pve people donā€™t want to pvp but they do want the important rewards.

This generally means that you will get little help from your faction often and it isnā€™t actually satisfying to fight many people since they either donā€™t bother fighting back or are so geared that you canā€™t actually fight them anyway.

The result is a world where people donā€™t actually care about the pvp because for most of the classes it is just about wether or not your gear wins the game without you actually having to do anything.

Its not even a case of mixing server, its anything but the problem if mixing servers. Iā€™d be surprised if you even got 1 HK for ganking me with a party of 6/7+ realistically speaking, cause thats what WM basically boils down too.

Sit in the populated quest area with a unforgivingly big raid party and expect people to either form their own stupidly big raid to try and deal with it, or just jump shard from their own server shard. (Keep in mind the people playing in raid sized parties are purely doing it to be a nuisance and nothing more, its the same as being spiteful by that point since the honor gain is non-existent, you cant complete 99% of content as a raid party including the CTA (call to arms) or any of the other pvp zone weeklies can i add.

Its the same people who try to defend the mongoloids who continually ruin Nazjatar, they phase in a 40+ raid at minimum so that the ratio of 1 faction vs the other is effectively 4:1 despite probably, even though the event only triggers when the ratio is basically equal in faction representation.

most of the classes do require you to have gear yes, people care for world pvp its fairly obvious due to the reoccuring complains that suddenly this guy farted in 40 randoms who are now camping a neutral town etc etc and now that zone basically has become unusable for one faction.

Due to imbalance being so severe, gear doesnā€™t win you w-pvp, its all about being the biggest chicken and filling up your raid with a bunch of faceless nobodies who just want to be a thorn in somebody elses side.

Theres literally no skill to it and worst of all its never going to be addressed despite in the grand scheme of things in the short term and potentially the long term, it might make the game more fun minimising the odds of getting smashed by a random raid group consisting of 10-20 servers.

Lol, sounds kinda bitter.

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