The price for the most unnecessary buffs gos toooooo

MM hunter!

When damage nerfs? :smiley:


I think it’s fine when Hunters are broken because this class is the most likely not to press their defensive cooldowns.
I was watching Supatease’s stream tonight, playing at 2700 MMR. He lost 2-4 because the Hunter spent a solid 10 seconds below 20% HP without pressing Turtle.

Let them have big damage.
They obviously need it at this point.

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To be continued. :rofl:


bac said he didnt notice the buffs haaha

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Well that’s because he is

  1. bad a the game
  2. a troll
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But I can see you enjoy playing with one aswell

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I am having a good laugh, yeah.

Also there is a difference between enjoying and abusing fotm. If you don’t abuse fotm these days you’re just stupid.

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this whole season is a meme anyway

if you cant beat them, join em

“immediately logs MM alt”
“funnels all honor from account to it”
“grabs popcorn”

Actually MM did not get buffed. Here is why; Sniper got 25% nerfed and aimed and rapid fire got buffed by only a few percent… Overall its a nerf to MM.

The spec people should cry the least about is MM, there are far worse specs like lock, rog, ww and dh.

MM burst can be avoided easy if all of you just use defensives properly. And after MM burst is over any class can burst twice as hard on the poor MM and it dies because it doesnt have any defenses! LOL! So everyone wins except MM.

Just log back to your 2m hp braindead eye bleeding pet fiesta demo lock if you don’t know how to play broken ww monk then.

??? xd
Is this supposed te be a… comeback or anything? Don’t know how to play monk? What? How is this connected in any way? Where did i say anything about my monk gameplay? Are you so desperate that i called out mm for what it is? An overbuffed broken specc?

Is there a spec this guy is not complaining about; as long as it is not Warlock?

500k on 1500k, how much should hardcasting hard-hitter abilities hit?

nerf ww monk too

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Oh you’re on of those guys. :smiley: The moment you lack arguments you ad hominem. I am complainig about lock just as much when it’s broken, but you wouldn’t know because that wouldn’t fit your agenda and strip you of every argument you ever had. :joy:

You tell me, i am not doing 1/3 of someones HP with Chaos Bolt. :smiley:

How much is Chaos Bolt hitting for right now? I dont really see much of a problem when MM relies so heavily on Rapid Fire & Aimed Shot to deal damage

You don’t see a problem when a specc “has” to rely on an uninterruptable cast/channel with 60+ yards range? The guy i was playing with had 69 (nice) yards range with the mastery he had.

And bolt hits for around 190k-350k. I didn’t test since the buffs though, i will though.

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blizzards philosophy will barely change about it, so yes, i dont see a problem where they can change MM without being turned completly unviable again. the spec has been like this since bfa

Just LoS MM, its can be said then about any ranged? Just LoS MM noob, Just LoS lock ect. Setup exists , stun ect.

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