The problem with Alliance bias

Here we are in Shadowalnds and still none of the problems the Horde has are fixed.
Alliance has:

  • better cities
  • better characters
  • more development
  • more zones
  • better immersion
  • better world building

and is generally hailed as the cradle of civilisation on Azeroth.

Horde always gets shafted and ends up holding the short end of the stick. If we want to make the game equal we need to give the Horde a huge boost.

Horde needs:

  • a huge boost in their leader cast.
  • a new style of architecture for the race who used to be savages.
  • the remaining parts of the core races to join the playable Horde. In this case the Gurubashi tribe, the Amani tribe, the Grimtotem tribe and the remains of the dark and fel Horde.
  • being allowed to kill some Alliance heroes so that the blue team suffers real defeats.

do these Blizzard and the game counts as being fixed.

For the Horde! Lok’tar!


There you go, bashing the Horde again…


After BFA? No horde doesn’t need anything else.
The whole xpac was horde centric.

  • Horde characters was in all cinematics.
  • Horde war story has two different paths, something that alliance didn’t had.
  • Story was driven by the Horde narative.
  • All promotional campaing during pre-patch was horde centric.
  • Horde had development of their leaders - Sylvanas and Saurfang.
  • Xpansion started with horde narative and ended with horde narative.
  • In the first raid Alliance had nothing to do with issues with Uldir story wise.

Pre BFA.
Cataclysm and MoP had serious horde story development - yes not all of that was great, but at least horde side wasn’t in stagnation for several years like alliance.

And before you yet again start to cry for some Alliance bias BS, just check numbers and see what is the difference between alliance player base and horde. Alliance is outnumbered, via several reasons, that like a snowball bleeded alliance player base.
It was

  • Horde favoritism in story.
  • Stagnation and staleness of alliance story.
  • Blizzard has allowed the situation where all compedetive players left alliance for horde becuse of better racials many years ago, and blizz did nothing.
  • Absence of serious and rough actions in order to bolster the number of alliance players.

All BS that happend to the horde is happend because current story tellers of blizzard is more interested in writing horde or horde related characters, and because of their poor writing and storytelling skills you got…well what you got in the end.
Still wanna whine about Alliance bias? Cry me a river.


original storywriters etc quit blizzard years ago, if you not playing classic then there is no real point to anything

Glad we agree, Erevien!

Your trolling won’t stop my fight to make the Horde better.

Ehhhh, not so sure about that one. They’ve got some solid ones in there, but probably do need Rok’han to be firmed up, and for the Forsaken to actually -get- a leader, given that we know neither Calia or Lilian is it.

Everywhere else goes to the back of the queue until they revamp Silvermoon and Exodar. They should not touch a single racial Capital other than those two. Only once they are on the Azeroth map, and updated, should they even entertain the idea of doing anything with other Horde (Or Alliance) Cities.

Err, You wot? The Darkspear are actually Gurubashi Trolls. I mean that is what they are, just one group of them, Not sure how adding more Gurubashi when they already have Gurubashi would help matters. The Amani make no sense, they’re broken, as a Tribe, and would bring nothing new or of any worth to the Horde. Plus there are the two small facts that a) they Hate the Horde and the Horde hates them, and b) are they really going to join the Horde, when the current dominant racial leader on the Council in Azeroth is a Blood Elf who rather famously killed a lot of them?
The Grimtotem would add nothing to the Horde, and how is that even meant to work? The Grimtotem? Ruled by Magatha? The Tauren who perverted a duel between their last Chieftain of Chieftains and Garrosh, killing the father of the current Chieftain of Chieftains? I’m sure that will go down well.
As for the Dark and Fel Horde…Who? Do they even still exist? Not on Azeroth… What would they bring to the Horde? “We’re Orcs!” “Yeah, we have two types of those already” “Ah yeah but we’re all like, Dark and Fel?” “Yeah, what does that actually mean anymore? You’re basically just Orcs, aren’t you?”

That however, is the only good point you make. Blizzard do go a bit kill-crazy with Horde Leaders. Varian is an honourable mention, but even then it was an absolute travesty the way they went “Oh well, Varian is dying, so Vol’jin has to die as well to keep it fair!” Uh…No Blizz. You put Vol’jin in as Warchief (Probably the best one the Horde has had, to date) just to Sock Puppet their worst Warchief (Sylvanas) into power because she is Steve Danuser’s imaginary Waifu? They didn’t even give him any decent screen time. Anyone who has read ‘Shadows of the Horde’ would realise how absolutely awesome Vol’jin was in a ruck. He was an absolute -unit!- Him and Tyrathan Khort were like if John McClane and Batman had been in a Buddy Cop movie taking out Nakatomi Plaza full of Zandalari.
They utterly crapped on his competence and character in that shameful Horde cut scene at the start of Legion. (I say ‘Horde cutscene’ but it was 10 seconds of Horde, Three minutes of Varian, No one who mains Alliance can complain about how much attention Saurfang got in BfA, Horde is still owed a good Cinematic for a whole -expansion-).

This said, I am pleased we see Vol’jin again in the Ardenweald campaign, and if they follow through on what we saw there, then, y’know, I’d be kind of OK with that, Bwonsamdi has now utterly cemented his position as Loa of Death, destroying Mueh’zuli, and as Vol’jin has now absorbed the power of Rezan, we -might- if lucky, see some transfer of power, and for Vol’jin to actually become the new Loa of Kings. Certainly Vol’jin and Bwonsamdi actually seem to be quite matey (As they should be, it was Bwonsamdi who brought Vol’jin back to life, during ‘Shadows of the Horde’). I’d be OK with that. Horde lose a good Warchief, but gain an actual God.

Alliance do need a few more leader deaths, the problem is, we know who they -should- be, and we know that thirsty fanboy’s will make sure they never happen.

Jaina needs to go. She is well past her sell by date, there is only so much more they can do with her. She is ridiculously overpowered, and she is thrown in everywhere, Or rather, don’t even necessarily kill her off, but have her actually be a believable character for once in her gods damned life and go “I am now the Queen of Kul Tiras. Maybe I should be doing Queen stuff instead of gallivanting around the world pleasing my prepubescent fanbase!”

I mean I’m joking, but I almost dare you to tell me that if she looked like the Female Kul Tiran model, that her fan base would be as ardent in her defence.

Pretty telling really. Good Kul Tiran female =slender human model, Evil Kul Tiran female=a Larger lady…

I mean Kul Tirans make no biological sense anyway and would be impossible to exist as a species, but we’ll set that aside.

Jaina needs to go.
Tyrande and Malfurion need to go. Blizzard have made the cardinal sin of ‘power creep’. They’ve basically written characters so powerful that there needs to be some Mcguffin reason why they can’t use their hideous powers. They’re not the only ones. It is the reason why Superman is an awful comic book hero, and Batman is a good one.
They have good NPC’s who could replace them. I’d love to see Shandris and Jarod co-rule the Kaldorei. Not as a romantic Couple, just as a pair of rulers. If that sounds crazy, it worked for the Spartans for centuries, anything that has actually happened, can not be classed as ‘unrealistic’ to happen in a fantasy setting, just saying.

They need to fix Anduin. It’s shocking. I mean seriously, what are they doing. I mean the Ardenweald cut scene was embarrassing, Jaina is “Oh, We must Save you Anduin! We will Save you, whatever it takes!” Rather than going “Oh Heck, right MAAAAAGIC!” and actually trying to -do- something about the situation. “You did all you could Jaina” Yes. I’m sure she did. She absolutely did all she could, whilst quietly monologuing and not making any effort to use her God almighty Mary Sue powers like she does at other times.

She also has to release, that perhaps she needs to explore the possibility that -she- is the problem here. I mean her track record with any male figures in her life has not been great.
Got her Dad Killed.
Elven Prince falls for her, gets knocked back, becomes cackling megalomaniac.
Human Prince falls for her, she washes her hands of things, he turns into the Enemy of Life incarnate.
Flying Magic Crocodile falls for her, she starts being a bit twisted, and he, a shapeshifting flying magic crocodile decides that -she- is the weird one in this relationship, and so breaks it off.

She desperately needs to go. But we know that won’t happen.

That just simply isn’t true, is it?

Still, did give me a chance for a cathartic rant, if nothing else.

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Rokhan should die. He sucks. Just a sidekick for Rexxar.

Raze Orgrimmar and build a better Ccty in Feralas.

We would get playable forest Trolls. With Ogres they are the last race to make the Horde complete.

They are not. They are a small offshot. They never played an important role among other Trolls.

Together we kill Baine for good.

The conclusion of Orcs being a united race Just like in old times on Draenor.

My list would look Like this:


The Horde is trash. Stop sugar coating it.

Not happening, Bwon is the loa of kings.

He is the Loa of death is he not?
Or can Loa just swap? What happens if the Bear loa swaps with the tiger loa do they still look like the animal or dose that swap also?

Sorry, but no
Bwonsamdi is still “just” the Loa of Graves and the Dead
As of a deal made between Bwonsamdi and King Rastakhan, Bwonsamdi is currently the highest loa in the Zandalari pantheon and the patron loa of the royal family, taking the place of the deceased Rezan.
But not the Loa of Kings, just their patron and the head of the pantheon at the moment… technicality. A “Promotion” without any real power, the Zandalari now consider him the chief Loa (would be surpise if the other Loa would respect his authority, tho during his short reign as the highest loa in the pantheon he did more than Rezan, namely bargained with the Winter Queen [and after Gorak Zhar was killed and the Drust beaten back, a Mask of Bwonsamdi was present within the Winter Queen’s cour so he maybe now part of that too?], saved - by proxy - four loa from the Maw, defeated Mue’zala and protected the Troll souls from the Maw, so… he takes his ‘new job’ seriously, at least whom he helped to save totally would resect him as leader I guess ) and the family is bound to Him, not Rezan

As stated above, not exactly. Bwonsamdi has his own gig going on, and whilst he has a personal ‘deal’ with Talanji, by proxy of Rastakhan, he is the Loa patron of the current Royal Family, not the Loa of Kings, which is the Loa of -Royalty- It would be like, to use real life terms, Having a God who was the God of English Monarchy, then the Plantagenet dynasty came to power, who had their own special God, when Richard III died, as the last Plantagenet monarch, the God wouldn’t have a finger in that pie anymore, it would revert to the God who’s ‘job’ it was.

Although kudos to Dave Fennoy, in the Ardenweald Campaign, as a VA myself it is absolutely devilish trying to voice two -different- characters, who sound similar, but are supposed to sound different having a conversation with each other! (He does both Vol’jin and Bwonsamdi)

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Lol what? that ain’t how it works, Rezan dying already made him absent from the role as a loa of kings. In the book with Talanji we see that she literally stated he would remain the “Loa of Kings”. There was never a separation between “King of Royalty” and “Loa of Kings”. That is some prime headcanoning. There is most definitely a power that comes with his “promotion” mandated by the literal Queen of Zandalari who is willed by loa and the fact the God-King made a valid deal that has elavated him above Loa. There is more to Zandalari than just a bloodline when you are the leader, you pass a trial as we saw with Talanji and the loa themselves counsel you as once more stated in the book Shadows Rising near the end. He already has been called the Loa of Kings and that’s it. No going around that.

You truly manage to talk in a cursed manner Brigante, once more there is just a brought up headcanon debunked by the book, lore of how loa and their power work and the fact “Loa of Royalty” is just a non-existent term. The fact he is patron of this family that has ruled for very, very long time (by troll standards) is what makes him loa of kings too. Now before you pop off with another over talked, eldritch headcanon consider please doing a quick research that will confirm this.

I humbly suggest to do your homework before start an argument about lore
Because you are dead wrong - and before you suggest the same, check the soruces first, like we do
But feel free to live in headcanon land mate, wasting time on you explain facts is useless it seems

Literally read where Talanji called him the loa of kings herself, do tell me how that is wrong and a headcanon at that. I read sources before even talking to you and here you are, only yelling about not wasting your time while calling me out on headcanons. Funny innit…:clown_face:

There’s a reason Rezan has multiple titles, and he’s been the reigning Loa of Kings for so long. Since the ‘early days of the empire,’ Rezan has stood by the side of the Zandali Royal Family as their power base. He’s the reason why Rastakhan lived so long (several hundred years) and why the Prelates/Kingsguard were such a powerful force.

However Rezan is known first as the ‘God of the Hunt’. A Loa that values actions over words. While he has been worshipped as the ‘King of Kings’ and the ‘Loa of Kings and Queens’, that is a position above ALL Loa. He was the most powerful Loa because he was worshipped by the Royal Family, and as such had a very popular base with other Zandali. Power breeds power.

With Rezan’s death, the dungeon journal specifically refers to Rezan’s change in titelage.

"Rezan, once a loa to the Zuldazar kings and queens, had his soul torn from his body… Now, only a twisted husk remains…

Then, of course, Rastakhan makes his deal. This deal is VERY specific, and beyond the purview of Bwonsamdi’s realm and domain.

Rastakhan: "Become my Loa. Grant me the power to recover my kingdom, and I will elevate you above ALL LOA."

Rastakhan makes Bwonsamdi the Loa of Kings and Queens. That’s a political position, one that results in the events of the Zandalari Heritage Questline, the Widow’s Bite, and the fuel to make attacks on Bwonsamdi’s Necropolis and worshippers during Shadow’s Rising.

Furthermore, Rezan is now dead. Deceased. Unlike other Loa such as Atal’Hakkar, Shadra, etc., Rezan has been all but devoured by the Maw and his new vessel, Vol’jin. Rezan no longer exists to be the Loa of Kings and Queens, even if Vol’jin-Rezan-Ashamane end up becoming a whole new Loa together.

Rastakhan has made Bwonsamdi the Loa of Kings and Queens, and Talanji reaffirmed that at the end of Shadow’s Rising, seeing Bwonsamdi not just as an entropic force of Death, but understanding that there’s a softer shepherding to souls in need.

For those of you who haven’t read Shadow’s Rising, I recommend the Audiobook. Because you need to read it to have this discussion.

In the titles section, see Shadows Rising pg. 278.

As for Alliance v. Horde bias, we just need Genn to get punished 1 time for starting the last four conflicts, and honestly everything will be square. They’re getting hit hard enough next patch as is.


Alliance players need to check their privilige. Scum.


You mean the book written by a Racist Sexist which has had a lot of it made non-canon since publication? That one? The one where Blizzard have went “Yeah, that’s not actually canon lore or true” on a few occasions in just that one novel?

She should stick to writing her NY Times column, at least no one expects to get anything truthful from that…

I think I’ll pass on taking anything Madeleine Roux states as being serious lore, until Blizzard themselves say that it is actual lore.

Also look up ‘Eldritch’ in the dictionary. That probably wasn’t the word you were looking for.


Your source being? I do dislike the writer for sure but it not being canon would be a first lol