The Problem with Alliance RP -- Extended Thoughts

A tempting offer, a place to call home, people to call friends, but the guildless life will always have one thing that no guild has. The one thing that calls me back like a pirate to the sea. Zero attendance requirements.


draws his axe, as he glances towards the High Executor. He smiles, nods assuringly as the army of Guildless approach
And they charge into the battle… Weapons drawn, with an everlasting warcry…

Well, aside from jokes, that would actually be a good thing. Basically that means, that -everyone- finding their home… What they like, enjoy and feel comfortable with. And that’s based. :slight_smile:
With that, probably community becomes closer… Hopefully. :thinking:

Hopefully but unlikely, there will always be those who disagree, those who want to be above the rest and those who want to start fights. sad things about dreams, Reality disagrees with them.

Besides we already have a community, its called Argent Dawn, and although its a bit broken and scratched, its a damn good one. constantly changing, recognisable faces. Argent Dawn is the Community and its home… until Wow goes bankrupt and we all have to find a new home.

Why the hell did i just right that dumb speech? God i got to stop drinking.

Well, in terms of my guilds and as a complete aside to our discussion - if you tell the officer that is recruiting you “yo, I can only play once a week” / “I’m gone on x dates” they will make a note of it and not bother you about it

My problem is really with people who are inactive wordlessly because that’s not something we can account for in terms of guild administration

Based and also Kumppilled. Time to join the PCU

I’ve been such a fool, Vassili. Man will always be a man. There is no new man. We tried so hard to create a society that was equal, where there’d be nothing to envy your neighbour. But there’s always something to envy. A smile, a friendship, something you don’t have and want to appropriate. In this world, even a Soviet one, there will always be rich and poor. Rich in gifts, poor in gifts. Rich in love, poor in love.


This is indeed the case. People are either stuck in their own narrative or afraid of RPing with strangers.

So they are

** winks at the camera **


The only problem I have with Alliance role play is that it feels somewhat stagnant. The same guild concepts, the same few guild leaders, the same IC and OOC dramas and the same race restrictions. But if that is how folks want to play their characters and make their guilds then I can’t really complain.

I mean you do pay to play the game so I can’t exactly expect other people to only play to my tastes simply because I think x idea is bad.


What about you? Are you stuck in your own narrative? Would you like to RP with strangers?
What type of RP do you seek and enjoy, and where do you seek it, where would you like it?

  1. Perhaps. I’ve been RPing a single set of storylines with a single friend for six years, so, probably?
  2. Yes, of course.
  3. This may sound hideously arrogant, but I enjoy RP that has some thought behind it, and I like IC discussions.
  4. Stormwind or Boralus.
  5. Anywhere, though there are some places that are grossly underused, like Ironforge.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I know that I’m the Shreklock Gnomes of this server but I’ll give you a hint at finding RP if you don’t find it spontaneously and find it frustrating…
Begin using OOC tools you’re given. I have 2 very important points to make. :face_with_monocle:

People should stop viewing TRP3 mapscan as some sort of cheat for metagaming someone’s location and use it to actually find people out in the world, which I’m 99.9% sure it was intended for. Or get in touch with appropriate communities/individuals OOC whom you’d like to get involved with. Natural, organic roleplay almost never happens — there’s always some level of OOC communication going between the parties involved, so don’t shy away from actually approaching people just for the sake of roleplay OOC.

Second, a mistake I see commonly made and admit to do myself periodically. People who keep wishing upon a star for X to happen and do nothing to actually assist X happening.
Example (no offense, Obilot):
> Obilot wants to see roleplay in Ironforge
>Obilot proceeds to simply state that Ironforge is underused for RP on the forums

But what could Obilot have possible done under such circumstances? I know this is a very shocking bit, but Obilot could potentially organize a very basic in-game community (which can be created in about 5 minutes thanks to it being very simple and integrated into the game’s client) for RP in Ironforge and the surrounding areas, then post a invite link to the forums. Now, I know that this probably sounds like I’m talking here based on what Albrecht has done, but the big point is that anyone can try to do something and they should. If you’re scared of the responsibilities of doing something, then try perhaps proposing your idea to someone else for them to pick up on or begin with something smaller in scale than what you have in mind. Remember: if you try to do something cool :star2: it’s still going to be better than sitting around and waiting for someone to make your dreams come true. That rarely happens in real life, so why should it happen in-game? Take action!

Alright, I’m done. I’ve talked my butt off enough, I had better end this before my philosopher thoughts :thinking: get the better of me at five in the morning.


Yes but this, exactly this, is what I don’t want to have to do. I don’t want to have to approach someone OOC and whisper them if they fancy some roleplay. I’d just like to keep it all IC. It’s daunting to approach characters IC though, because 9 out of 10 times you’re not acknowledged or simply brushed off by the ones you try to roleplay with (mostly IC, mind you. And that’s fair enough if it happens - it just seems that it’s a standard nowadays rather than occasionally. Like people are terrified to roleplay with strangers).

Very much disagree with this statement. Natural, organic roleplay most certainly does happen (in fact, my most fond memories of roleplay happened this way) if people are open to it. If people are actually open to roleplaying with a stranger who approaches IC there is no need for OOC communication before the roleplaying commences. The majority of people nowadays just don’t seem open for that kind of roleplay, unless you show interest in joining their guild.


I think the problem is more that the -visible- Alliance guilds are like this.

There’s dozens of top level Alliance guilds, they just don’t advertise a lot on the forums.


Reading through alot of the replies here, I do not see where a lot of the “problems” people have even come from.

There’s soooo many guilds that could suit your personal needs, it’s up to you to join them. There’s something for everyone, that’s the cool thing about this giant realm.

Not offended. :wink: You’re right on that part.

I find that it does happen, but, as I said, a lot of people seem to be apprehensive to RP with people they don’t know, either because they believe the other has some sort of OOC intention, or because they don’t really want to RP to begin with.

This may sound a little strange, but, if you don’t want to RP, then you perhaps you should not sit semi-AFK at an IC area but stay at an OOC area instead? It is rather demotiving for people who do want to RP to be brushed off as it happens.

I think a lot of people are afraid of being seen with someone who maaaay have a bad reputation, thinking it carries over. People seem to have gotten very paranoid.

Since we’re speaking about permissions. I feel like people who complain about them see just one part of the coin: which is that something has motivated players to have such drastic requirements. Sure, we RPers take our hobby very seriously and tend to go nuts over every small mistake, but a lack of communication and actual effort towards cooperation, where all sides think they can get most of it (and get away with it), can cause quite a big deal of damage. The mainstream attitude has been all but cooperative, and this in exchange has caused players to be very quick with their ignore buttons. Do I have to remind anyone of people bragging to be drama-seekers stalking others,looking for bad RP to post on discord for the sake of shaming?

People want others to be less paranoid? Then the community should cultivate a comprehensive approach and make others feel comfortable during the RP. There are players who do that and have always been a blast to RP with.



The obsession with OOC micromanaging every single interaction has not been a good thing for this server

At this point we’ve seen people demand to be asked OOC permission to even have letters written about their character. What is that about honestly


It is in these trying times of strife and of victory that we must learn and reform our strategy with each new battle. The signatories strongly condemn the conduct of one PHILIP PERROY, whom over recent wars has continued to serve as a wrench in the warmachine, leading to the otherwise preventable deaths of many stalwart soldiers as a result of his incompetence in the role of a leader.

Two Ls, poser

I can see you’re not a true fan

not my fault you’re never IC :sunglasses: