I am currently very seriously considering starting a guild, or if somebody else gets there before me, offer my assistance with it.
A marauding, loosely Horde tied paramilitary raider guild. Think of a robber baron guild but on Horde.
The concept would be that the guild consists of individuals that have become disillusioned with the current leadership of the Horde, and actively raid, pillage, ransom and skirmish with Alliance targets around Azeroth. While the guild would (initially) insist it’s doing what it’s doing for the best interest of Horde, it’s members also use the said claim to justify things like raiding civilian settlements for resources, ransoming high value enemy targets and getting access to resources like gold and artifacts to pursue the individuals’ own needs, nefarious or not, in the long run.
The guild would be ideal for both people that find current action against the Alliance insufficient, as well as people that want to masquerade as wanting to extreme things for the Horde but in reality serve to justify their own nefarious ends.
The concept would even have room to grow into a completely separate bandit and/or outlaw guild that actually turns hostile even to Horde members and guilds.
The main goals of this guild would be to offer rp-pvp and conflict rp to the members in abundance, mainly from the Alliance side (and neutrals) at the start but eventually maybe from Horde as well. Double the enemies, double the fun! It also would offer a spot for characters that have their own, very specific code of honor or morality, but one that doesn’t have qualms about getting their hands dirty. And all this without needing to sell your soul to the demons, void or any other villainous voice.
As said, the guild would be paramilitary, with no uniform policy and thd individual at the core. Whether you are a disgruntled orc who is consumed by vengeance, a dark sorcerer looking to gain access to resources you are normally barred from, or just a highwayman with a taste for the luxury and no qualms about how to get it, you all fit in the concept.
That being said, I do have a fairly specific aesthetic for this plan, but it’s not set in stone. First, it would be for Horde races only. Pandaren and Dracthyr are permitted as well, if their story fits the theme.
Second, I want the races to be mostly tribal races of the Horde + gobbos, because I want to capture somewhat of a pseudo mongrel horde feel to it. Belf and Forsaken characters might be welcome if they fit the guild concept.
The guild would also make a wide use of disguises, masks and ither items to hide or obscure their true identities when necessary, such as when liberating some Horde assets of their resources… for better use, of course.
Edit: Also forgot to mention that, as mentioned, this would be a guild that puts the individual into the focus. And I mean it. Does your character have some unsettled grudges with someone or somebody? We’ll help you try and even the score. Do you want to achieve power overwhelming and be a girlboss? Yep, we’ll help you drink the koolaid. Do you just want to bring about a land of the truly free? Yes senator armstrong, we’re your henchmen.
This would very much operate on the basis of band of brothers and sisters. You scratch the back of others, they’ll do the same for you. The strongest bonds are forged in battle. And, since you have dug your grave so deep already, we might as well keep going!